Tricky Gauntletts


So I recently started my journey into building a Mando and yeah late to the party but a House refurb got in the way.
I printed off my templates which are great but I've run into a problem...
I realised I had muddled my lefts and rights or so I thought then looked again and it seems there is no upper curve for the left Gauntlett?
Have I missed something or do the various shapes make up the upper left casing?
This is such a knowledgeable site I'd thought there might be tutorial or too but can't find one..

Any help would be great.
They are the WOF pepkura files on TDH.

I realised I mixed up my lefts and right so that's sorted it's now how to get the shape of the upper left, maybe once I've made all the pieces up it will make more sense..
No problem! I didn't understand it at first either, but it made more sense as things went together and I've become pretty well versed with Alan's templates now.
No problem! I didn't understand it at first either, but it made more sense as things went together and I've become pretty well versed with Alan's templates now.
Certainly glad they exist and where would we be with out them..
Off to buy some thicker PVC sheet later as I don't think the pieces I've test fitted would last being bumped at a Con or such like.
Finally got the hang of those templates..
I think I was mixing my ref picks up which didn't help.
But I now have a couple of half decent looking gauntlets.

They might not be perfect but they're mine.

Onwards and upwards..
Details are the fun part.
I'll hopefully either add electronics later or if totally happy will mold make a buck and recast in fibreglass.
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