You said: "just your name."
I reply: Aaron =) ... It's okay, nobody remembers my name. A face is good enough, 'cuz I don't remember your name either =)
You said: " I was wondering when you'd show up. Hope to see you at SDCC in a few weeks. "
I reply: Well, I figured I'd keep lurking until I had something worth contributing. I still feel like an asshat for having a fett costume that's been in the works for 4+ years now *laughter*
And I will most definately be at the SDCC... Sadly, I won't be pimped out in Fettage. I will be wearing a ringa-dingly good Armor Hunter Mellowlink (Think really old Anime.) costume though. (It was a lot easier than fett...)
I don't suppose you'll be blessing DraconCon with your presence? =)
Now, on to your generous comments...
You said: "I also think that the area just beneath it, looking the gauntlet head on, should have a clear face instead of being just a straight edge. Does that make sense? The area just beneath the calc pad... "
Uhhh... It may be that it's 3am and I've been writing about ancient stuffy dead guys and their views on religion, but I didn't quite understand what you're trying to suggest here? :confused
Re: Side-tubing and toggle switch. Well, the toggle switch was mostly stuck there because the carver (my comrade in fettarms) got impatient and it was the easiest spot to solder. The final switch will be far more hidden and integrated.
And the tubing... Well, he took some artistic leave and stuck the "Essential guide to technology" flamethrower on there. if I have my way, the final version will have a swap-able flamethrower that'll take either the "Essential Guide" version or a more movie-accurate ESB version.
As for the dental expander... Yes, you're correct. It's one of those fine details that'll need to be hammered out before we go on to make a final version in CAD and ship it off to a foundry. As with the switch, he was really just trying to see how much space was needed for LED wiring. Although it does beg the question of where's a good place to stick a laser LED...
I do not plan on using the wood as a final version... I prefer the look and feel of aluminum. Although I may use the wood version at some point if the casts for the aluminum are just obscenely expensive (We haven't priced yet). The wood grain could, I think, be covered pretty well with some creative painting.
I am, for the record, logging these posts and will send a bunch of tips off to the carver... keep it coming, folks! You're doing us a great favour here.
(That's generally how we've operated so far... he does all the elbow-grease and I do all the footwork (Finding pictures, details, ectera)... it seems to work pretty well =)