Gauntlet Missile !!

Real Scooby

Active Hunter
My FINISHED Gauntlet Missile !!

UPDATED 17-12-2005:

Check the latest reply to see my finished missile


Just scored this beauty from ebay. Looks to be a great, clean cast. Can´t await to get it. !!
Now I just need to get me some gauntlets ! :D
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I have these
I circled the bubbles that make these unusable.:cry

The black one is Rubber & will go on My Gauntlets.:thumbsup:
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I finally recieved the won missile today. Its EXACTLY as in the picture from the auction. AND it is a SOLID RESIN cast. :lol:

There is one inaccuracy though, the bottom area, where it would connect to the gauntlet, also has the grooves. But thats fine with me.

I will start painting it this weekend, and post pictures asap.

:lol: :lol:
slave1pilot said:
I have these
I circled the bubbles that make these unusable.:cry

The black one is Rubber & will go on My Gauntlets.:thumbsup:

Unuseable?....never heard the term....bondo in that sucker,and a shot of filler primer and it's as good as new.8)

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UPDATE on my gaunt missile !

Here´s me documented progress.

I first started with the usual silver coat...

... finished it up with basic color application.

After two more hours I was finished with the weathering. Technics includes, scratching away, detail paint, color wash and dry brush.

Now I just need some gauntlets to attach it. :D
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