Gauntlet kit makers?


New Hunter
I some research and found a few gauntlet makers. Bobamakers are a little out of my desired price range unfortunately. MOW had no price or any info on their gauntlets and no website. has some very cheap ones 60USD with no greeblie kit, but I would like something a little more accurate then those. I messaged Redkraytdragon because his seemed a good price and excellent quality but then realized from his armor thread that he is gone apparently. Cruz makes nice ones as does RS props, but I was hoping to find something a little less expensive. Is there anyone I missed?
You pretty much covered all the bases. RSprops, RKD/IOA, MOW, BM, and Cruzer are the top current makers. Never heard of the Mandalorian arsenal. Their gaunts look Vac formed which is fine, but they look VERY soft in detail and id say they just look ok. I myself will also be offering gauntlets soon as well, but the bottom halves need to be done. im hoping to have them available very soon.

All of those makers make an excellent product. Any you may have missed dont really make a good and/or accurate product.
I messaged Redkraytdragon because his seemed a good price and excellent quality but then realized from his armor thread that he is gone apparently. Cruz makes nice ones as does RS props, but I was hoping to find something a little less expensive. Is there anyone I missed?

I contacted redkraydragon a few days back. he's really busy, but he's still taking orders as far as i know...
Someone talk me through the 'cruz' product please. I'm not familiar with this item but if it's the top dog I'd like to know. Currently have BMs.
I have MOW but you are right - he doesn't have any listed on eBay right now. You can email ( listed on eBay) him and see what is up and he will answer you. Darth Vorhees always makes nice stuff so if you don't need them right now you can't go wrong waiting for them.
Someone talk me through the 'cruz' product please. I'm not familiar with this item but if it's the top dog I'd like to know. Currently have BMs.

That is referring to Cruzers gauntlet kit. He has a thread in the cargo hold for them right now. Hes currently only making ROTJ kits though. The kit does look fantastic and I'm currently waiting on mine.
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