Gauntlet hoses question

I've been looking at lots of reference pics for my suit. I'm going for ROTJ style but I'm probably going to add a few custom touches that aren't in the movies.

I'm just curious as to what everyone's configuration for gauntlet hoses is. In the pre-pro shots Fett has hoses on both gauntlets. Some pre-pro shots have three hoses on the right and one on the left. Others show two hoses on each. In the movies there are no hoses on the left gauntlet(flame thrower) and the right has one hose that goes under the shoulder armor plate.

In fan made costumes I have seen that although most use the color schemes from ESB and ROTJ there are pre-pro hoses on the gauntlets.

So who uses hoses on both gauntlets and how many? I for one will be using hoses on both. Frankly it just makes sense for the flame thrower to have a hose for fuel and I'm not sure why they changed it.
Desert_Beagle said:
I've been looking at lots of reference pics for my suit. I'm going for ROTJ style but I'm probably going to add a few custom touches that aren't in the movies.

I'm just curious as to what everyone's configuration for gauntlet hoses is. In the pre-pro shots Fett has hoses on both gauntlets. Some pre-pro shots have three hoses on the right and one on the left. Others show two hoses on each. In the movies there are no hoses on the left gauntlet(flame thrower) and the right has one hose that goes under the shoulder armor plate.

In fan made costumes I have seen that although most use the color schemes from ESB and ROTJ there are pre-pro hoses on the gauntlets.

So who uses hoses on both gauntlets and how many? I for one will be using hoses on both. Frankly it just makes sense for the flame thrower to have a hose for fuel and I'm not sure why they changed it.

hm, actually the ESB version has one hose on the right gauntlet that goes under the small sleeve.

ROTJ has 3 hoses on that right gaunt, all going under the short sleeve.

and that's it for the hoses.

Nothing on the left gaunt :)

some publicity shots show them on the left gaunt but hey.. that's messed up with a ROTJ suit and ESB bucker whatever...

also note that those hoses are litterly taped on his gauntlets...

so once more...

3 on right in ROTJ

1 on right in ESB (the upper one)

I hope that helps ya out a little

Yeah that does help. I couldn't tell on some of the ROTJ photos if there were 3 on right or still just 1. I also noticed on Richies armor site he did put a hose on the left guant.
here's one of those publicity shots, with an ESB bucket and the weirdly placed and taped hoses.

blind? you spotted the buggers on those pics that's a good find :D

fett stuff can be a bit... confusing :confused... there's so much!!
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