Gauntlet Help


Active Hunter
Greetings fellow Dents,
i'm putting together my gauntlet and the shells don't match up quite well. My question is will bondo work on styrene? or should i use stuff people use for sealing tubs? i think the second would give it more flexibility. Anyone try this yet?
Most folks use a metal "piano hing" on one side and let the other close with velcro. If the bottom doesn't match the width of the top, just heat it up alittle and flex it till it stays.
Greetings fellow Dents,
i'm putting together my gauntlet and the shells don't match up quite well. My question is will bondo work on styrene? or should i use stuff people use for sealing tubs? i think the second would give it more flexibility. Anyone try this yet?
I used bondo on my gauntlets to smooth out the edge between the top (figerglass) and the bottom (styrene) shells. Be sure to sand the styrene where you plan on applying the bondo, and it should hold. Silicone or latex caulk will be more flexable, but only the latex caulk will take paint. However, once you start flexing the caulk the paint will start to chip off. I would stick with the bondo.
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