Gauntlet Dimensions


Active Hunter
So I'm almost done with my bucket, just need to finish the back and final weatherings, and I've decided to plunge into the world of scratch built gauntlets. To accurately scale the gauntlets to reference pictures can anyone tell me the dimensions of the areas outlined in the attached picture? (basically from end to end) Thanx in advance:thumbsup:
What is that left pic from?
the paint on the Whipcord is odd.

Nutcore said:
So I'm almost done with my bucket, just need to finish the back and final weatherings, and I've decided to plunge into the world of scratch built gauntlets. To accurately scale the gauntlets to reference pictures can anyone tell me the dimensions of the areas outlined in the attached picture? (basically from end to end) Thanx in advance:thumbsup:
I just out this up a day or two ago...

Hey everyone, welcome a newb here LOL!

I am about 90%done with my fett costume and thought I'd share with the group the blue prints I made to construct my gauntlets. These are to scale and include the "yellow" pre-production gauntlet (all scaled to my forearmsize of coarse) Any way anyone scratch building are welcome to them. Also they were taken from pics blown up to scale from various images I located. Any imput is welcome check them out here...
West system epoxy and fiberglass mesh - they are not finished as you can see, I threw a coat of black primer on them for the pics. They are VERY durable and dont "float" around on my forearms. Now that my newbie butt figured out how to put up pics Ill put up some more with greebles on for show.
here they are, a newbie is schooled LOL :lol:
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The calc pad is 2" X 1 1/2"
I will post the actual size of the drawings soon here, I'm at work right now.
Please excuse the black primer - temp to show design - also note the gauntlets pictured are only 75% done - I still have to add the flame thrower extention and some other minor areas that need feathered out and such. Sorry for the fragmented threat I'm a noobie at this. New pics will be up soon.
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