Gauntlet Darts?

  • Thread starter Thread starter BobaisJaster
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They are silver.

While we're on this topic,
I was looking at the Boba ref. cd and looking at Brak's Buddy MOM 12-16-01 the second picture of the "right gauntlet darts and flamethrower" it looks like the two outside darts have 2 grooves, while the two inside darts have 3.

Am I just seeing things or are there two types of darts?

(I noticed this while I was trying to look for a pic to make my own darts out of aluminum, I have 2 so far. Will post pics when I'm done)
Thanks bobafettish! Um, what is this reference cd I see you guys talkin bout all the time?
Awhile back BB collected all good known pics from various sources organized them and put them on CD-Rom. We did a tree/pyramid type thing where 4 people got copies then in turn they each had to give out 4 copies themselves. Continue the trend so on and so forth until everyone at the time got one.

Post in the general Forum you are looking for a Ref CD. Be prepared to send the kind soul that volunteer's to make a copy a blank cd and postage. However it is forbidden for someone to charge for making them. So it should just cost you the CD and postage.

VashDstampede wrote: looks like the two outside darts have 2 grooves, while the two inside darts have 3.

Am I just seeing things or are there two types of darts?
No, you're not seeing things, you are just acquiring the overly-detailed perception that has consumed most of us. It is noticing these fine details that helps every die hard here (including myself) spot nuances that may get us closer to identifying more found parts.

So, why do some of them appear to have two grooves while others have three? Because the grooves slightly twist downward, like a swirl. They start at one point and rotate around and around then stop. Depending on how they were glued into place, they will show one more or one less of them. I don't think they were made like this in the ILM shop, but another found part that was laying around, possibly some small fitting of some sort. Jar those memories boys, what could they be?
Wow!:eek: Thanks for explaining that. I knew someone here would know, considering almost (if not everything) about Boba's costume has been examined under a microscope.

Can I "un-aquire" the detailed perception? I'm still less than half-way done with my costume and I'm already thinking of how I could make them better and more accurate. I don't think I'll ever be "finished"!:cry
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I find it kind of funny how we all try to make our suits look as best we can but it just goes to show you also how "quick an dirty" Prop Departments are when the build some things : "Hey Joe(Johnson in this case), Just GLOB some glue on them there gauntlet darts. They'll stay in place!"

Just struck me as kinda funny.
As most costumers will tell you, the initial perspective is called the "10-foot" rule. If it looks great from 10 feet away, you've got a great costume.

Since joining TDH last year, and after seeing BB's EXCRUTIATINGLY close shots of the costume, I've become a fan of the "10-millimeter" rule. I figure, if I'm going to invest all this money into a movie-quality costume, why not go all the way?

I wonder if I can get the glue globs to look the same? :)
What do you guys use for the gauntlet darts? I've heard about the Bic pen tip method, but I was wondering if there were alternatives. Thanks.

batninja wrote:

Since joining TDH last year, and after seeing BB's EXCRUTIATINGLY close shots of the costume, I've become a fan of the "10-millimeter" rule. I figure, if I'm going to invest all this money into a movie-quality costume, why not go all the way?

Gawd, I hear that!! Where I once was seemingly content to do my own custom Mandalore, I too have embarked upon the "movie accurate" Fett suit... Which, is getting closer...

Don't need all that weight in my wallet anyway...

:lol: :lol:
Robert, sweet darts, man. Care to PM me with some details?

And Rex, I hear ya. When I started out I figured I could do the whole thing with a grey jumpsuit (unaltered) a DP95 and plastic bottles. Now I have conversations with people about whether the gaunt hoses are 10mm or 12mm external diameter and how long the stitches are on the ammo pouches! :lol:

Here are the darts I have compared to the real ones. They are made from stainless steel and for a set of four shipped usps priority mail to the 48 states it's $38.85

Boba Phett's Darts are AWESOME! :D
I'd recommend them to anyone who is going for accuracy.
I spent more than $40 trying to make my own accurate ones.
Definatly worth the Money! :D
Robert E.
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