Found some Nordstrom Jango gloves yesterday, have 2nd pair


Well-Known Hunter
The family and I visited the Nordstrom's Rack store over here in Fresno, Ca. yesterday and I made the nice little find of scoring some of those blue Jango like gloves for only $19.95. I picked up two pairs to experiment with attempting to dye them a dark blue (almost black). They're both a size large which equates to a size 8 or small/medium in mens. They have a formed fit which is nice cause I can finally put my finger through the stunt trigger of my MR Westars and twirl them, which I couldn't do with my prior gloves. Here are some pics. It looks like the first pair is going to go as planned. I've dyed them with Ritz Navy Blue on the stove and I'm thinking of giving them a little shot of Ritz Black to darken them up even more. The photo's taken on a black dinette table at night. If all goes well with this first pair, I'll offer the second pair up for sale. I would have to get at least $20 for them to recoup what I paid (You pay shipping of your choice). Post or PM if you may be interested in the second pair.




Thanks, they breath very well. They're a very thin leather with an insulation that is 70% wool and 30% polyester. Very thin, lightweight, and form fitting.

...looking good...PM sent...

...I would say the current color is pretty dang close bro!!! :lol:

BlackList Squadron
Great find Cruz_Fett... I would darken them up anymore then they are.. Try taking a pictue of them outside and post that..would be very intrested in seeing the color.
I found and bought about three or four pairs last winter at the local Nordstrom Rack. The navy blue variety are the best to use. I rotate them for each event. Congrats on your find. Maybe I oughta go down and look for more just because.
:lol: That's a good one I'm going out to get some Nair tonight when I go to buy the EP III DVD and Battlefront II game.:lol:

Slavefive, sent you a PM about the gloves, and what's up with Custom Mando's wearing Jango gloves?8)

I can keep checking back at Nordy's Rack if there's anyone else who is looking for gloves. Might be in the area this Sat. I asked the sales manager if they'd be getting anymore in and she said yes if they were a hot seller. They were all sold out when I was there, so maybe next time they'll get some XL sizes in as well. Drop me a line if you're someone who'd like me to check for you. CaptJono I've got you covered.

Tell me whether you'd want a size L (mens small/medium) or size XL (mens medium/large) when you PM. They'd be $25 shipped. Thanks to those who have PMd already.
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Didn't get to Nordy's Rack today. Baby had me up half the night last night. Hopefully tomorrow morn. for those waiting to hear about gloves.

Here's an updated pic of my dyed gloves taken outside in the 4 p.m. sun next to my black leather wallet. I'm going to hit them with a bath of Ritz Denim Blue to darken them up just a tad.

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I think the color is right as you curently have it. I wouldn't go any darker. As they are, they'll look darker next to the silver gauntlets.
Thanks JD, I'm going to take your advice cause I never thought about the next to silver aspect. Can't wait to get that Jango helmet. It's like Christmas coming a whole month early.:thumbsup:
Awesome bro, your Jango is shaping up to be even more smashing then ever! :D

Christmas came early for ya Lorenzo, you've been such a good Fett all year you deserve it! :thumbsup:
You can get them at a Nordstrom's Rack (Nordstrom's discount store). I'm a little over an hours drive from the nearest one and have looked for two other members for more gloves with no luck. I can look for you as well if you'd like, but so far our Nordstrom's has not received any more shipments of gloves. You'd wear a size L if you want them to be snug and a size XL if you want them to be loose. LMK
Cruzer said:
You can get them at a Nordstrom's Rack (Nordstrom's discount store). I'm a little over an hours drive from the nearest one and have looked for two other members for more gloves with no luck. I can look for you as well if you'd like, but so far our Nordstrom's has not received any more shipments of gloves. You'd wear a size L if you want them to be snug and a size XL if you want them to be loose. LMK

i might want one....all dyed and how much would it cost to ship a pair to singapore??
:) Yes please ! i would want the snug fit so Large will do just fine:-)
Just let me know if when you gettem and the $20 will be sent.

Cruzer said:
You can get them at a Nordstrom's Rack (Nordstrom's discount store). I'm a little over an hours drive from the nearest one and have looked for two other members for more gloves with no luck. I can look for you as well if you'd like, but so far our Nordstrom's has not received any more shipments of gloves. You'd wear a size L if you want them to be snug and a size XL if you want them to be loose. LMK
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