FettLight sale (see last post)


Active Hunter
Just wondering something:

I've seen a couple of other mfr's for chest lights lately, and they've received pretty long lists of interested buyers. The set I designed has been around for nearly 3 years now, and I still get the occasional e-mail/PM asking for help to build them (since I offered up the schematics for DIYers), as well as questions about ordering a set from me. Honestly, with the creation of the new light sets from others, I figured demand for mine would die down to the point where I couldn't justify having more boards etched.

Now, the question is this ... are there enough people still interested in the "ShackMan chest lights" to do another batch run? I dropped the price to $90 plus shipping a while back, to finish off the few boards I had left. Now that I'm down to one or two boards, I've been receiving e-mails about them again. If I did a bulk run, and offered them for say $80 + shipping, how many would be interested? Again, this is to gauge interest only. Due to unemployment, I can't front money for parts or board manufacturing like I used to. I'm just checking to see if there are enough interested in "this old set" ;) (at a reduced price) to justify having more made.



P.S. Special thanks to all those who have purchased the lights over the past 3 years! Until you design/sell a part, you can't describe the feeling of seeing your work being displayed by others (such as at cons). :)
Right now, I too am "unemployed" :(, BUT am interested in a set.
That is a great price ($80 + Ship) ;)
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which style did yours flash as shackman? ESB or the DP?

interested though but probably in a month or 2. Wifey is off work currently unfortunately

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Jedi-Bob wrote:

Right now, I too am "unemployed" :(, BUT am interested in a set.
That is a great price ($80 + Ship) ;)

Alot of that going around.
Add me to the unemployed/ can't afford any toys list.:(
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At 80+ shipping I would be down for a set, even with all the new guys out there I just can't hear enough good things about yours. So put my name on the list for sure.
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I need a set before halloween, but I cant afford it untill the end of sept.
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The sad thing is that I'm not surprised to hear about how many others are effected by the unemployment bug ... not a good thing, but one I'm all too familiar with.

Well, maybe what I should do is hold off on a run until the very beginning of October then? I can usually knock out a handful of them in just a couple of days, so the time frame wouldn't be a problem ... just have to order the boards and parts in time.

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Not sure, but was that question directed toward me? If so, I designed it with the help of Brak's and a few other members of this board ... oh, about 3 years ago (3 years in November actually). Several people were wanting something better than the bike flashers and such, some were willing to watch the ESB scenes in slow motion, or help in other ways. What we ended up with is the FettLights as offered in complete form, or based on my schematic for the DIYers.

Good luck,

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I always thought it was some type of status indicator like damage or strength or something like that.

Shackman - you KNOW I'm in for a set. ;) Hopefully I'll have new chest armor ready when they arrive!
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Slave2112 wrote:

Shack, if your's are ESB, put me down for a set.

Hmmm ... for those that don't know which set we're talking about (miss the days when there was only one set ;) ), here's the link:


Brak's Buddy was gracious enough to not only help develop the product (sequencing, size, etc), but to also host the site with all of my info. Here's another big thanks to the guy! :)

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Just wanted to answer a question I've received a few times lately.

One (if not both) of the other new chest lights offers the ability to change from "ESB" to DP display. I've been asked if my display is changeable, and the answer is yes, to a degree. The lower display (alpha-numeric characters) are controlled by a programmed micro, like the new displays being offered. Instead of programming more than one sequence into the chip, I designed it so that the display could be changed by replacing the chip. Again, this is an old design, used for nearly 3 years. I looked into doing other display sequences, but there was never enough demand ... or so it seemed). So if I continue to produce the lights,could I make it switchable all without having to swap chips? The answer is yes, but I'd need to change the board layout, which unfortunately means I have to wait until I can front the money to prototype it (never trust a first run batch of boards). ;)

Hope that answers it for a few people. I don't see there being a high demand for 3 or more products that do the same thing, but can I make mine do the trick ... if there's demand for it, sure. :)

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That graphic is dang-near close enough for me. Won't need the switch myself.

Again, keep me in mind if you are going to make another run (or have one laying around).

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Yea I also have no need for a switch, since ESB is the only one we see that is the only one for me.
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