Jango Wes
Well-Known Hunter
Ok guys... here we go. I talked to the boot maker (or rather he left word for me) and he said that EVERY pair of boots would be done and ready for pick up this coming Wednesday!
I guess the lawyer did the trick. Anyhoo, I hope this is a good New Years present for everyone. I'll post again Wednesday.
Here we go, hope you like.
Here's the spikes
The boots are $145, with spikes, shipped, with a set of free jet pack decals. The first price break comes at 50 pairs ordered, then it's $135. The final boot will be canvas, the thread will match colors, and the side gore will match the center piece as close as possible. The sole will be white, for your weathering pleasure.
If paying by Paypal, make sure to include your boot size and screen name in the comments field. My account is: wesclone@aol.com
If paying by money order, EMAIL me at wesclone@aol.com to get my mailing address.
Here's a link to the album that has the pics in it, plus heres one I couldn't get in. There is no sole on the boot, but I think it stil looks good. The boot shown has a wooden form {LASS} in side, Actual boot will look a tiny and I mean tiny bit diffrent in the toe when the toe box is installed.
Fett Boots
<font color="#CC9933">
OK, this is now the "PAID" page. <font color="#FFFF00">
mindphunk - YES 8<font color="#FF0066">SHIPPED
Fettex - YES 8 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
DarthVader1 - 9EEE <font color="#FF0066">SHIPPED
Slowmo - 9 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
mlcallanta - 10 <font color="#FF0066">SHIPPED
Jeezy - 10 <font color="#FF0066">SHIPPED
riedemiller - 0 <font color="#FF0066">SHIPPED
Han Hunter - 10 (UK)<font color="#FF0066">SHIPPED
DarthFett_79 - 10 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Vadersfavorite - 10 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Jango's Kid - 10 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Metalboy - 10 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Sithlord23 - 10 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Malcfett - 10 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Andy R. –non TDH-er 10 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
TK3130 (TK9120) - 10 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
defiler - 10<font color="#6600FF">PAID
Mattrinck - 10,13,13 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Concord Dawn - 10EE <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Jango_Wes (2) - 10 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
tteF aboB - 11 <font color="#FF0066">SHIPPED
LynTXP - 11 <font color="#FF0066">SHIPPED
Crusty Fett - 11(UK)<font color="#6600FF">PAID
aaronfett77 - 11 <font color="#FF0066">SHIPPED
Nightseye - 11 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Geoffett - 11 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Bobo - 12 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Predatormv - 12 - <font color="#6600FF">PAID
crisfilms - 12E <font color="#6600FF">PAID
TK-Fett - 12 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
mbmcfarland - 12 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
STEMMlin - 12<font color="#6600FF">PAID
Ruffkintoy - 13 - <font color="#6600FF">PAID
TK5501- 13 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Mattrinck - 10,13,13 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
I guess the lawyer did the trick. Anyhoo, I hope this is a good New Years present for everyone. I'll post again Wednesday.
Here we go, hope you like.

Here's the spikes

The boots are $145, with spikes, shipped, with a set of free jet pack decals. The first price break comes at 50 pairs ordered, then it's $135. The final boot will be canvas, the thread will match colors, and the side gore will match the center piece as close as possible. The sole will be white, for your weathering pleasure.
If paying by Paypal, make sure to include your boot size and screen name in the comments field. My account is: wesclone@aol.com
If paying by money order, EMAIL me at wesclone@aol.com to get my mailing address.
Here's a link to the album that has the pics in it, plus heres one I couldn't get in. There is no sole on the boot, but I think it stil looks good. The boot shown has a wooden form {LASS} in side, Actual boot will look a tiny and I mean tiny bit diffrent in the toe when the toe box is installed.
Fett Boots
<font color="#CC9933">
OK, this is now the "PAID" page. <font color="#FFFF00">
mindphunk - YES 8<font color="#FF0066">SHIPPED
Fettex - YES 8 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
DarthVader1 - 9EEE <font color="#FF0066">SHIPPED
Slowmo - 9 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
mlcallanta - 10 <font color="#FF0066">SHIPPED
Jeezy - 10 <font color="#FF0066">SHIPPED
riedemiller - 0 <font color="#FF0066">SHIPPED
Han Hunter - 10 (UK)<font color="#FF0066">SHIPPED
DarthFett_79 - 10 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Vadersfavorite - 10 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Jango's Kid - 10 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Metalboy - 10 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Sithlord23 - 10 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Malcfett - 10 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Andy R. –non TDH-er 10 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
TK3130 (TK9120) - 10 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
defiler - 10<font color="#6600FF">PAID
Mattrinck - 10,13,13 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Concord Dawn - 10EE <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Jango_Wes (2) - 10 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
tteF aboB - 11 <font color="#FF0066">SHIPPED
LynTXP - 11 <font color="#FF0066">SHIPPED
Crusty Fett - 11(UK)<font color="#6600FF">PAID
aaronfett77 - 11 <font color="#FF0066">SHIPPED
Nightseye - 11 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Geoffett - 11 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Bobo - 12 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Predatormv - 12 - <font color="#6600FF">PAID
crisfilms - 12E <font color="#6600FF">PAID
TK-Fett - 12 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
mbmcfarland - 12 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
STEMMlin - 12<font color="#6600FF">PAID
Ruffkintoy - 13 - <font color="#6600FF">PAID
TK5501- 13 <font color="#6600FF">PAID
Mattrinck - 10,13,13 <font color="#6600FF">PAID