Female Mando armor


Active Hunter
I was wondering if someone on this board, or if you know whose armor this is could help me out. I want a two piece chest like this for my wife :p .
A two piece just flows better along side the Fett man.

If this is a members armor on this board and you want the pic down, just say so. Sorry, but its awesome.

I am willing to bet it would be pretty easy to make a set like that, use the armor templates that are on the boards and cut them out of cheap sintra, heat them up and push the "dents" out from the inside with like a softball or something similar.
Hehe. A softball... Find an object just a tad larger than the size of her "dents," being that there is a vest and a jumpsuit underneith. You may want to talk to Jango Wes about the MandoFem chest armour, I believe his wife is a purple Jango.
Predatormv said:
But what if it was a dude wearing it? Would you still want that? Always be mindfull of what you wish for.

See...that's why I said hope instead of wish!:lol:

NO DUDES ALLOWED!!! I refuse to go gentle into that good night!
drokkul said:
See...that's why I said hope instead of wish!:lol:

NO DUDES ALLOWED!!! I refuse to go gentle into that good night!

If a guy were wearing that armor as you said, man, it would be wrong on so many levels...

(who is NOT into transvestite mando's)
That's awesome. But with such a large...um..."curve" there, how would you put on a chest display board? Also the board would...like, be facing up...:lol:

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I dont think its possible to make that shape into sintra or styrene without major issues. sintra is like trying to put a bubble in paper.

It looks like fiberglass or vaccuformed pieces, I could be wrong.
cal196 said:
I dont think its possible to make that shape into sintra or styrene without major issues. sintra is like trying to put a bubble in paper.

It looks like fiberglass or vaccuformed pieces, I could be wrong.

I would guess vaccu-formed. Judging by the three dimples on the ab plate. As un-pronounced as the dimples are I would think that it is vaccuformed from a thick piece of material. The chest medallion in that pic looks like it might be resin.
Hmm... Now that I think of it those pieces can't be sintra, if a softball were to be pressed into them, they would either be deformed becuase flat objects don't like to turn round, or that they would become extremely thin.
GCNgamer128 said:
Hmm... Now that I think of it those pieces can't be sintra, if a softball were to be pressed into them, they would either be deformed becuase flat objects don't like to turn round, or that they would become extremely thin.

Unless more than one layer was used
cal196 said:
I dont think its possible to make that shape into sintra or styrene without major issues. sintra is like trying to put a bubble in paper.

It looks like fiberglass or vaccuformed pieces, I could be wrong.

Tried sintra, 6mm & 3mm.
Wrinkel city. Cal196, you hit it on the nose. Turned out like CRAP:facepalm
Back to the drawing board.......................
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