Felt Pen marks

Bubba Fett

Well-Known Hunter
On the photos from the ASW exhibit there are green felt pen marks on the left and right side of the mask near the bottom. Are people including those in their paint schemes ? They do not look like weathering or anything. I am very tempted to make them a darker green to match the other weathering, but I am trying to make this paint job pretty accurate. If you are adding those felt pen marks what color are you using used? Looks kind of blue/green to me.
I always wondered how some jackass managed to get pen marks all over a rare studio prop.:confused I guess as it's been said before, the set crew obviously did'ent see this stuff as treasure like we do.:D
Thanks. So I guess I will put them in, but make them darker so they are a closer match to the weathering. Sigh...not sure if that is the right thing to do but it puts the helmet somewhere between totally ASW accurate and movie accurate/aesthetically pleasing. I have put in the other cracks and smudges, but these pen marks seem a bit too much. Would still love to know if any others have added these marks though. Over 40 hours so far on this paint job... kind of a waste on a '95 DP but it's good practice for my real helmet :D
Personally I wouldn't do it. They're only there because someone screwed it up in the prop department or even in the museum when they were unpackaging it. They weren't on the bucket in the movie.
I put the marks on my new Sgt. Fang helmet. I'm almost done painting it. I'll be sure to post pics.:)

I did it, just because I did all the other little bloops & blerps, and it seemed fitting to add those as well. Y'know, like the little white fingerprint/smudge mark on the left backside. The crack/patchup job on the front left of the visor. All that good stuff.

I blended the blue marks in to the helmet, so they aren't so prominent. But they are definitely there.
As others have mentioned, it depends what version of the helmet you are painting: ESB during filming or ESB post filming (AOSW).

In addition to the blue marker, there are other marks, dings, silver scratches on the post filming AOSW/SE ESB helmet that were not present during filming.

So, it's your call to paint the version you like. :)
Thanks everyone for the help and letting me know what you have been doing with these marks.

The problem I am running into is knowing which marks were there in the movie vs ones that came after. I added the crack on the left, the lines where some other cracks were starting, and I will be adding the thumbprint as I get to the back (at least I think I will). The blue pen just looks like such an obvious issue of poor handling of the prop that I am tempted to leave it out, but keep all the others in. Kind of the way Steve the Swede did it on the Fett bucket tutorial.
The thumbprint was there during filming, so definitely add it!
If it isn't too late, do what AFettFullOfDollars and I both did, and use the ESB publicity photos and DVD to figure out which scratches weren't there during filming. It's a bit tricky, and while not a huge difference it is noticeable compared to an AOSW-style helmet.
Oh cool, thanks! I thought the thumbprint came later, so that's good to know. I have been trying to look at the ref photos as well as the AOSW pics and compare them.

I have already added the line at the bottom in a darker, more weathered color, but may still be able to overpaint it and get it out - if I am really, really careful :eek:

The helmet is looking good. As I say, all this works seems like a bit of a waste on a DP 95. But it's good practice, and my 9 year old will definitely have the coolest costume at his school!

I will post some pics real soon...seems like as soon as I take them I make changes so I don't post :lol:
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I added the crack on the left, the lines where some other cracks were starting, and I will be adding the thumbprint as I get to the back (at least I think I will).

The left visor crack is also due to mishandling/poor storage as it wasn't on the helmet during filming. :facepalm
Oops, well I guess my son won't able to get into the 501st as a really short Boba Fett :)

Thanks for letting me know. Kind of torn on what to do on this now. Guess I will leave the marks on the cheeks, but keep them darker :confused so they don't look so much like some goof was drawing on the helmet. Hope that will be considered BC (Boba Correct), or at least acceptable.
AFF$ does the blue marks on his helmet jobs. I have one that he has done. Its amazing!!!:eek: :eek: If you need any pics let me know and I'd be glad to share.
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