Blaster ESB Recipe


Active Hunter
ESB EE3 Recipe

You will need:
One resin Webley kit (I recomend Sidewinder's :D )
Bit of plastic pipe
Resin scope
Resin scope rings/blocks
Throw it all together and you get:

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I just got my Barrel mounts for the scope yesterday! WOW! Really, really nice looking and worth the $$$$
Of course, I have his Webley kit as well, and it works like a charm!!!
Also, got my Heiland flash tube gun in last night for the barrel itself, so things are coming along rather well! :)

Hope to have this baby done soon!!! :)
Incidentally, the front mount was made to go in front of the Webley barrel and around the flash tube. I believe from studying pics this is correct.

Out of interest, what did you make the scratchbuilt scope mount rings out of?

After the success of my ROTJ scratchbuild, I've turned my attention to ESB.
I'm after a set of blocks (molex connecter greeblies). Could you PM me with a price?Also maybe a set of scope mount rings?

Also, anyone got any idea where I can find ESB stock greeblies?
It's plumbing tube, plastruct stuff and plasticard.
I'm gonna be getting some original connector block thingies soon, so i'll prob offer those up in the future.
PM sent.


Havoc said:
Out of interest, what did you make the scratchbuilt scope mount rings out of?
After the success of my ROTJ scratchbuild, I've turned my attention to ESB.
I'm after a set of blocks (molex connecter greeblies). Could you PM me with a price?Also maybe a set of scope mount rings?

Also, anyone got any idea where I can find ESB stock greeblies?
I got my ESB EE-3 scope mounts today from Sidewinder!:cheers Great work. These will definately make my blaster look soooo much better!

Super fast shipping from the UK to the USA!!:thumbsup: Thanks again SAS!
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ESB mostly painted, just need some metallic highlights here and there and a wash on the stock.

Stock bracket on its own is an original for colour comparison.


ESB paint (1).JPG

ESB stock.JPG
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