ESB Query (Diamond)


Active Hunter
I am currently painting up a set of ESB armour so I've been browsing through the ESB shots from Brak's new CDs and DVDs and noticed that the centre diamond on the ESB costume is a different shade of green than the rest of the armour.

I've checked a few different pictures and it appears to be the same on them all.

Just wondered whether this was common knowledge or a trick of the light.


That center is indeed a different shade of green, but it also dosnt have any color variation to it like the other pieces. This tells me its either part of a different set of armor and used with other armor in that shot or something to that effect. I want to track down a good pic of the pre pro armor and compare that diamond there to the pre pro one to see if the same difference is there.
Adding to this. Are the diamonds slightly different sizes/shape for each set of movie armor? One diamond type for ESB and one for ROTJ?
Hey Daz...

I terms of screen accurate, It's definitely a different shade of green.:thumbsup:

Here's a shot of an ESB armor commission I did recently...It's more of a Hunters Green ;) .

hope that helps...


Beyond the center diamond looking different than the rest of the chest armor, look at how different it is from the right gauntlet:eek: . I've got that pic, but not that clear.

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IMO I think it is the same base color of the rest of the armour, but the rest of the plates are weathered more with a misting of grey and black. The center diamond is not misted or wethered beyond the visible silver scratches. At least thats my vote,
Thanks for the help. I suspect that it was part of the pre pro costume, that always appears a brighter green on the pictures I've seen compared to the ESB shots, but with all the different lighting, film and reproduction techniques, we'll probably never know for sure. Main thing is that I can now paint the diamond a brighter green.

Hmmm...good call there GCN. THe whole set of amour looks very close in terms of the silver weathering, however it doesn't look like it matches up 100 %. Also, the ESB color looks lighter. Now this is just my theory, & you can take it or leave it. I believe that they may have remasked all the silver yellow areas, and then repainted the chest armour with a different shade of green. That is why most of the weathering matches up fairly closely, but not exactly. However, they may have not repainted the center diamond, and just used it as is. TO me that explaination accounts for a very similar weatrhering pattern on the chest plates, but also explains why the center chest daiomond is darker. I've actually used this technique before. After painting a set of armour, I decided I did not like the color. Instead of sanding it all down and repainting from scratch, I simply remasked all my silver/yellow, and repainted. Again, not shure if thats what they did for shure or not, but it seems like a logical possibility,
Definintely the inspiration for ESB, if not a total recycle with added weathering.....look at the center diamond....flip it over and it's the ESB.....

Here is a side by side on the diamond. I think its the same peice. But with out a really hi res diamond shot of the ESB, there is no way to be sure. With the prepro pics color being so out of wack there is no way to compare based on that.

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