ESB ee-3: all metal


New Hunter
This is my first post. I'm in the process of scratchbuilding an ee-3 blaster from metal. I consider myself a metal artist so i thought why not. So far I have a tapered barrel, and reciever which is welded to the pistol frame. Give me a little bit and i'll post some pics. Let me know what you guys think!!
Howdy and welcome to TDH!:cheers

Very interesting. How much does it weigh? Reason I ask is because I use to have an EE-3 that weighed almost 7 lbs, and it would destroy my shoulders when I trooped with it. Are you planning on using this for trooping?
Hey there! Just a warning about metal weapons, is that it may not be considered a prop because of the material it is made out of. Good luck with the blaster!!

well i just got interested in this whole thing a couple days ago, and since i work with metal all day it seemed good. I don't know probably around 4 or five pounds so far. not sure if i'll ever troop so i'll cross that bridge when it comes.
Here are my first pics, keep in mind i have't did any finish work with bondo.

EE3 blaster1.jpg

here's another update. I was very unpleased with the trigger guard so i fabricated a new one, i think the new dimensions are better. At this stage I have a trigger and hammer, i have also attached the extension tube. As the pics show I have tried to lightened the weight by removing some material from the handle, this should also make it easier to weld the stock bracket on. Thank you so far for the comments let me know what you guys think.



Here's another update, I am much further along now. I am somewhat unhappy with the sstock of the gun, but for right now it will do, I have to finish the scope mounts, then all that is left is the little details and paint.

The stock bracket seems to be a little wide, are you using the wizardofflight templates? The blaster is turning out great though!! Pretty cool having it made completely out of metal.
yes using WOF template, i thonk when i printed it my printer may have distorted the image a little, not sure but i see what you mean. I'm not sure if i will ever troop or not, just thought this was a fun thing to try, my kids think the thing is awesome, best of all the blaster holds up to them, very rugged. If i decide to troop latter on i will probably make a plastic one, this one seems like it would be very heavy to lug around!! Thanks for the comments. Hopefully i be able to post some pics again, need to work on the detail parts now.
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