ESB bucket dings


I am getting ready to prep an Asok Cold Cast for an ESB layered paint up, mainly using terminal fettler's awesome write-up as a guide. My goal is not to capture how the helmet is now, but rather more what I think it was on-screen. For example, the silver of the CC will be my base layer, and I won't be trying to simulate anything that scratches past what was silver paint into the white of the casting. I am of the camp that finds this implausible, though I can respect the reasons some might like to do this to replicate what exists now.

Anyway, as part of the prep I need to add some nicks and dings, and in pouring over reference photos and awesome paint ups I currently have the following that I need to add (Left and right refer to Boba's Left and right):

-Gouge on Front Left Tusk, about 5/6 of the way up
-Gouge on Front Left Upper Cheek, just under 1/2 of the way up
-Very light chatter marks along lower edge of Left Cheek
-Very light chatter marks along lower edge of Right Cheek

The chatter marks are subject to another Blu Ray study and judgment call by myself, influenced by any comments here.

Am I missing anything? I know there are now some cracks, repairs etc. in the actual props, but I'm leaving that stuff alone unless it is up for debate as to these being intentionally done for the film or not. Oh, on that subject I am not doing the wavy brow on this one, despite the great arguments for doing so (mainly I can't pull it off properly while maintaining the cold cast look).
So please, help a Fett out!
I was planning to do this too! :P but with the amount of filler I had to chuck in I have opted to spray a basecoat of silver so this way I can filler away and make it perfect :P Would be good to see what you get up to! Cheers.
Good start with the nicks and scratches - you may want to search for a thread I started a while back titled something like 'esb and aosw diffetrences'. I too am currently doing the helmet as it was on screen, and many of the differrences that are now on the current helmet due to age, neglect etc are documented there :-)

I don't think I have any large areas to fill. There are three very small bubbles on corners scattered about the helmet that need attention, as well as a few micro-bubbles on the lower edge, but filling those does not concern me. I can live with silver paint on those very small places. If it does get silver treatment, it will never be noticed. The large-scale brow repair would, so I hear what you are saying.

That is fantastic info, Jayvee. Thanks!

Also, after reviewing the Blu Ray I am re-thinking those chatter marks. If I do them there will only be a couple and they will be VERY light indeed.
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