DP 95 differences and Strengths


Active Hunter
I received my 2nd DP 95. I have a green interior and a white interior helmet. What if any are the differences. I heard the white is better. The newest green interior helmet fell off a 5 ft shelf and cracked OFF the ear AND helmet section like a china plate. My white interior has fallen many times and the plastic material doesn't seem like it would crack so I'm obviously thinking they're different plastics.
Has this happened to anyone before?
Hmmm, that is pretty odd. I have a green interior DP 95, and that sucker has fallen from about a 6 foot cabinet only to come out cool as a fan-- no cracks or breakage. In fact, it's been super sturdy.


The helmet on the right is my green interior '95.
The white interior 95's were the first run of Fett helmets by Don Post. At some point in their production, possibly the second run of them, the green interiors ones were made. Actual difference in the two? Other than the interior color, I really don't know. The shape should be identical since they were pulled from the same molds. From what I have heard, the white plastic compound holds its shape better than the green ones, and isn't as susceptible to warping. The interior of my white 95 is reinforced with fiberglass (just to be sure ;)).
I don't know if this applies to ALL white vs. green 95's, but my white 95 has a resin earpiece. It's crap! It's also arrived badly warped, but I did fix it. The green 95's have plastic earpieces, which are much better.
My green interior 95 has fallen off of a high shelf several times and I haven't had a problem yet. Maybe the green helmet u got was just brittle or something.

It is about freakin' time this happened to someone else cause NO ONE believes me when I tell them my green interior DP standard fell off a table and shattered like glass!!!! I know exactly what you are talking about!!!

Excalibur wrote:

I received my 2nd DP 95. I have a green interior and a white interior helmet. What if any are the differences. I heard the white is better. The newest green interior helmet fell off a 5 ft shelf and cracked OFF the ear AND helmet section like a china plate. My white interior has fallen many times and the plastic material doesn't seem like it would crack so I'm obviously thinking they're different plastics.
Has this happened to anyone before?
So I was practising reshaping my white 95 before I put it in hot water and what happens... IT cracks around the ear piece. Nothing came off but f***. And this was the really sturdy and quite flexible one. I'm not having much luck (except for obtaining the helmets). Words to the wise beware, if trying to shape your helmet without heating them up some way.
So I guess I have to Glue/Goop both helmets now...then reshape them.
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