Downloadable Chest Emblem

TK Fett

Well-Known Hunter
Hey guys I did a search for the downloadable chest emblem. I have a copy printed out on regular paper but need the file now to put on decal paper but cant seem to find it. It was in two versions a weathered and clean, does anyone know where to find it now?
im gettin mine from the model car section of walmart, its in some kind of kit but ive never used it before so I may have to go to a hobby shop.
Hey guys still lookin for these. I got some but they werent the ones I was lookin for, it was a weathered version that matched the movie patch so that you could just put it on your armor with out haveing to match up the weathering.
This one? Can't remember who made it, but I found it in one of my Fett folders.
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