dont mind my spelling

Derel Fett wrote:

what deferent from a dp 95 and 95

Well, the 95 had a white interior and was a bit more rigid then the following years. And the....Wait a second, your comparing the same year!
Since I'm not totally sure which helmets you want to know about I'll list them all :).

DP 95(white interior): This helmet is made of white vinyl and is the rarest and most sought after standard DP helmet. Most people agree that it has the best shape of all the helmets. It also has a resin RF stalk if I'm not mistaken.

DP 95(green interior): This helmet is made of green vinyl. Most people agree that it has the best shape of all the helmets. It also has a resin RF stalk if I'm not mistaken.

DP 96: This helmet has a good shape to it, second only to the 95 in most peoples opinion. It is made of green vinyl and it's dome isnt quite as rounded as teh 95 but it still has a ggod shape to it.

DP 97: Thhis helmet is the most common DP helmet available. It has no flair and the dome is flat. It is the worst of all DP helmets available. Don't get me wrong though I have seen many people fix it up to look quite nice but they put alot of hard work into it. I personally have a 97 and it's alright for a custom but if you're going for accuracy go for a 96 or 97.

Hope that helps.
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