Thanks guys. I put a lot of work into that bucket way back when... It served me quite well until I bought my MSH2.
Its a Don Post '96. I installed a thick, smoked acryllic visor, dremeled out the back keyslots, the small holes in the right ear and the slit on the left ear (for venting and for sound) and installed an aluminum rangefinder stalk. I used decals for the yellow kill stripes and the details on the ear pieces.
For painting the bucket, to be honest with you, I can't remember which specific colors I used. I don't
think they were the exact colors like you see everyone using now as this was done about 4 years ago and none of us really knew yet what they were. I think I used Spruce Green for the light green areas.... looking back at it though, I
MAY have re-painted it with at least the correct green that Rogue Studios found. Unfortunately its been so long that I can't remember. The funny thing is that my avatar picture is the same one I've always used here and at the old "As You Wish" forums... its an old pic of me wearing that bucket (with the original paint job) driving back from Indianapolis and CII.

Ahhhh memories...
The paint job is a multi-layered paint job... it was primered with gray primer, then painted all silver, then I masked the scratches off with tiny pieces of masking tape. I used spray paints for all the major colors and then went in with Testors brand paints and a small brush to paint in all the details. I scratched up the surface with X-acto blades and sandpaper to bring out the surface weathering and even went as far as to drag it across my basement floor at one point to really rough it up!
Lot's of time, sweat and more time went into that bucket... hopefully it finds a good home.