Does anyone know where are these gauntlets from?


Active Hunter
I´ve seen these gauntlets on ebay. They look quite accurate but ive never seen them before. Does anyone knows who is the maker? Maybe a recast? :rolleyes
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there are a few differences between these and MOW. I was actually talking to Cruzer on the phone about this very thing. There's a ridgeline that runs up and down and in line with the darts on the MOW right gauntlet and it's missing on these. I couldn't see the fine lines on the right gauntlet. Maybe these details get lost in copy process, don't know, I've never made anything like this.
Hmmmm? The creator of that thread only speaks of making the left gauntlet and he's also located in Europe. The auction shows both the Left & Right gauntlets and the seller is located on the West Coast, Soooo, my hunch is, no.:confused
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I´m almost sure they are not MoW either. I have a pair of MoW and there are too much diferences beetwen them and MoW´s gauntlets.
Well perhaps these guant could be from an independant maker that we just dont know about. I'm sure that not every Fett prop maker visits the TDH or is known. Just my thought and logical guess.

You know....I believe these are my old version Jango gauntlets !?

A possible give-away for me is a small detail on the left gauntlet. Where the rocket would rest is a small level panel that matched the bottom of my rocket. I would use Nylon plugs to mount it into place.

Another detail are the under-cuts of the bottom sections where I would attach the velcro closures. The angle looks dead-on to my gauntlets !?

I can't say for sure...but I think these are mine :confused
I was comparing my second pair of yours, MOW, with the auction pics late last night and they do have very similar and mostly identical angles, curvatures, and varying lengths and dimensions as yours...but I didn't want to say anything until I compared them closely. There are two details that are different that I can see, but the rest is dead on.

I had so hoped these weren't unauthorized copies of your work, but they do look so close!:(

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No problem. What I would do is post the pics. That way everybody can still see what you are talking about.



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