Differences between Jango & Boba gauntlet projectile dart shooter?


Well-Known Hunter
Is that really what it's called? My sister looked up the name in the Vis. Dictionary.:rolleyes

Anybody know if there are any differences between Jango's and Boba's gauntlet missile? :) A friend said there was, I don't think there is. I may be wrong so I wanted to hear it from the experts here.

hei Cruzer,you stolen me the question!!!:lol: :lol:
I was thinking the same thing.
I have some pics about Boba's gauntlet missile and it seems the same...
But I'm not a boba's expert:facepalm
I'm sure it's just me & my Big MOW gauntlets, but I always suspected Jango's Missile was a little larger than Boba's.

My 2 cents.
:lol: :lol: I think they look the same as well, maybe except for the butt end. I've seen two different versions of that before, but I think that's for Boba.
What do you think about it??


for me =
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