Depot Fett


Depot Fett...DONE!!! See post #63!!!!!!!!

I looked everywhere for sintra and I couldn't find any so I finally found the Home Depot buckets and figured I'd give that a try. I used the templates posted on these forums, cut the pieces with a dremel, and cut down a $15 batting helmet.

GLUE has been a big issue. I have tried about 5 types. So the far the only one that seems to do anything is PVC glue. In regluing again and again it's looking a little messy, but once it's in one piece I will fill and sand as best I can.

I also picked up a green face sheild and cut it last night. I just taped it in place for the pics. I also cut out a few stalks for the rangefinder from 1/4" aluminum on our plasma table.

Please don't be too critical. This is my first attempt. I still have to fill in the cheeks which should starighten it out a bit. I just hope it ends up looking better than the Don Post '95 I was about to spend $80 plus shipping on from Ebay.

I hope these pics show up. If not you can just see them posted on my blog (


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You should make one with logo's all over the place like Nascar Fett...eventhough I am not a fan it would be awesome. Seeing the labels and adds all over armor and the bucket. It looks sooo cool, its just kind of funny.

BUt its soo cool you have done a good job.
Man, I know Hankey from numerous other sites...and add the dent to yet another (you gonna blame this one on me?)

He's got major talent...and an awesome SW collection. makinghis own Fett is just one of his major accomplishments...he made an R2!!

Thanks for the kind words guys. I am just glad I didn't get butchered here!

I think I'll stick with the Boba Fett look, but I like the Nascar idea! desires greatly outweigh my talents, but thanks! Yes this Fett IS entirely your doing! It was a seed in my brain, but you made it grow into another obsession. :p
lookin' good so far!

for the glue, one thing i do pretty often is mix glues... use one quick bonding thing like superglue or even hot glue to hold things in place. then use a slower setting, stronger glue for the real strength (like goop)

for plastic Plumber's Goop rocks.

also, if you are trying to bend the pieces into shape and glue them, try heating up the plastic a bit first.. it will help it curve into shape and stresses the glue less. just don't overheat it!

i really want to do a scratch build some day. it reminds me of when i was a kid and couldn't get the toys i wanted my mom to buy me... i'd cut up carboard boxes and make my own, and half the time they were more fun than the "real" ones! ;)
Thanks again for the kind words. means a lot considering some of the amazing Helmets I have seen looking through these posts!!!!!!!!!!

I'll have to get some Krazy Glue to use in conjunction with a slower more permanent glue...good idea.

I called a couple of Canadian Tire stores (I'm in Canada obviously) and they don't have the Plumber's Goop or the 3M CA40 Glue that muttley told me about elsewhere. Any ideas where I could find them?
hankey01 said:
I called a couple of Canadian Tire stores (I'm in Canada obviously) and they don't have the Plumber's Goop or the 3M CA40 Glue that muttley told me about elsewhere. Any ideas where I could find them?

i get my goop at home depot.
Hey man that is freakin mind blowing, welcome to the scratch built club :)

here is my feeble attempt (sorry the angle makes it look evn worse than it is)

Well, so far I am into it for $10 for 2 home depot buckets and $15 for the batting helmet from Wal-Mart. Of course on top of that will be glue and body filler. I wasted more money on glue than I should have, but now that I *think* I have that sorted out it could be done for $10 worth of glue.

I had a Dremel and cutoff they could be considered an extra cost too, but I already had them.

I figured this would cost be as much as the '95 Don Post, but I hope it will look better and I will have the pride in knowing I did it myself.
Ronin677 said:
Hey man that is freakin mind blowing, welcome to the scratch built club :)

here is my feeble attempt (sorry the angle makes it look evn worse than it is)

Feeble?!?! That looks great!!! Any ideas how you will get the triangle in the forehead yet? I think I see a dent on top. How did you make it?
Dude Hankey, that is looking killer. I promise you that if you keep to the tablets, it will be 100 times BETTER than the Don Posts. Good luck. and good work so far.
hankey01 said:
Well, so far I am into it for $10 for 2 home depot buckets and $15 for the batting helmet from Wal-Mart. Of course on top of that will be glue and body filler. I wasted more money on glue than I should have, but now that I *think* I have that sorted out it could be done for $10 worth of glue.

I had a Dremel and cutoff they could be considered an extra cost too, but I already had them.

I figured this would cost be as much as the '95 Don Post, but I hope it will look better and I will have the pride in knowing I did it myself.

Ok, when it's finished, could you PM me the directions to it?
Thanks again! I really do hope it looks better when I get it all together and clean it up all the messy glue and edges.

Hopefull Fett, It really is pretty far. I am just making it up as I go, but I found the buckets, printed out the templates, cut them out, traced them onto the buckets (around of course) and cut them out with a cut off attachment on my dremel. Then I took a batting helmet and tried my best to cut it straight (I eyeballed the height of it using the profile in the templates). I then just glued one layer of the mask to the helmet, then I glued the outer layer to that layer (after a day of glue drying). I am currently working on the cheekbone pieces which are tricky. I have cut them into a few pieces (each end of the cheekbone) and used them to fix it in place. The next step will be to fill it in. Once that is done and I have glued the crap out of it from the inside I will take body filler to all the bad parts, seams, etc. Then I can start working on some of the details.

I'm really just winging it and looking at posts of other people who have scratch built.

The hardest thing is making the glue stick for me. Maybe some different types of buckets will have a plastic that is easier to work on. This plastic is perfect for thickness and ease of cutting and shaping.

I love your quote....I think it applies...."Those that never take risks never know what could have been." Even if you make one and it looks least you know how to make it better next time.
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