Dented Jango Helmet


Well-Known Hunter
I finally had a chance to start work on this. There is some fine tuning to be done but I think it is almost there.

Dented Helmet 009 copy.jpg
pretty cool. just a little smaller. try not to make the edges that sharp. the size looks good, but the whole looks a little deep.

I cant wait to get this.
It is pretty hard to compare something three dimensional to a two dimensional picture. I think the depth is good, but I agree, I have to close in the top of the dent a litlle more & soften those edges.

side by side.jpg
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HeadlessHunter said:
Hey Turo wheres that last shot from, is that a deleted scene? Looks like Geonosis?

Yeah I guess it was a deleted scene. I guess George Lucas knew that if Jango would had used his Westars against Mace Windu, we wouldn't had missed. So Lucas decided to go with the flame thrower.:facepalm
bigkidbiggertoys said:
It is pretty hard to compare something three dimensional to a two dimensional picture. I think the depth is good, but I agree, I have to close in the top of the dent a litlle more & soften those edges.

if you look closley jangos dent is sorta a dent within a depression. theres that weird flatish spot surrounding the dent. will you be doing that on your helmet?
Don't know wether it's worth mentioning this or not but as you are still fine tuning I noticed that the shorter blue stripe appears to end at more of an angle on the original and parallel with the base on yours.
Could be something simple like photo taken at slightly different angle or just me being wrong (probably me :lol: )
Man I wish I could afford one of these bad boys.

Copy of side%20by%20side.jpg

First off, that is AMAZING! Your work is wonderful. I'm not trying to critisize or anything, but in Seeker's 2nd refrence picture, you will notice sort of scratches around the dent. I don't know if you had noticed those or not, but I figured I could point them out. Once again, AMAZING WORK.
I think that is the flat area that was pointed out earlier. Could be scratches I suppose, but how would these have happened if Jango just bumped his head?:confused
bigkidbiggertoys said:
I think that is the flat area that was pointed out earlier. Could be scratches I suppose, but how would these have happened if Jango just bumped his head?:confused
jango didnt bump his head on Slave 1. if thats what you meant. he had the dent WAY b4 he even boarded Slave 1. heres the thread that shows this. BTW theres alot of good ref pics for your dent in here.
Ok I am a little closer now. The dent looks off because my camera angle differs, I'll try some more pics again this weekend. I also got it on good authority that the area surrounding the dent isn't a shallower dent, probably scratches. I actuially get the exact same effect when the 1st coat of primer goes on, it sinks into the filler leaving a ghost line. Perhaps this is the same effect, I would imagine that the dents were carved into 3 of the 6 helmets used for shooting rather than a whole new master & mold being made. Just speculation on my part.

helmet 1 TDH.jpg

helmet 2 TDH.jpg

helmet 3 TDH.jpg
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