DENT ALWAYS THERE!!!!! I am convinced! It isn't there on the ramp. Look at the last picture. It is when Jango draws his pistols that you can see the dent. And that is a far off shot and it is evident it is there. To see it that far away you would be able to see it on the ramp shots. Ok...I think we are beating a dead horse here now. I am sick of this clip from AOTC. It is becoming like the Zapruder Film to me. :wacko

oh an no none of these shots were photoshoped. Just converted from .bmp to .jpegs so I could post 'em





gah this is T3h Suxx0rz. why right when you post these new pics do they all become broken? gah i hate this kind of crap. i hope it works my school computer tommorow
Pics are working here. I think that is a reflection in the last pic Gonzo.
It's clearly there when he fires the rocket but I still do not see the dent again till after he head buts Obi Wan.

I wonder how many editors in Lucasfilm were laughing when they put this scene together. I can hear it now " This will be driving the Jango Fett costumers crazy for years" :lol:
gah i think my computer has cancer or somthing. (not that cancer is somthing to joke about) but all three of my computers wont load the pics. Gonzo could you send the pics to my email plz. ill send you a PM with it. i dont know whats wrong with my PC but its really pissing me off.
PM sent
k im at school & the pics finnaly work. ya i dont really see the dent in those pics eather. allthough they have alitle more motion blurr than the VHS frame i was looking at but ya that is the dent in the last shot. but jangos helmet in the last shot looks like it was CGed for some reason. it just doesnt look real compaired to the others
I don't know if this has been completly resolved, but I was reading my Dressing a Galaxy book, and they said that there were 6 Jango Helmets. 3 Dented and 3 Undented. I hope that solved everything. I believe that things got mixed up on the set and in post produciton. It happens, and I don't think they expected us to be studying each shot and each frame. Before I post this, I am going to double-check in my book...

Yes, indeed I am correct. On page 133, it reads in paragraph 1 lines 1-2 "Six full sets of this costume were eventually produced, including both dented and undented helmets..." So there ya have it folks. I hope that explains everything.
kewl. so the dent was ther & it wasnt there. :D hehe atleast i got rid of that lame excuse that he bumped his head on slave1. still makes it sound like his helmets made of tin foil.
ya know ive been thinking. the dent shows up right after jango takes off in his jet pack. i wonder if they altered the sceen. cause obi was deflecting jangos blasts right? mabie initialy obi was spose to deflect one of jangos blaster rounds back at him, hits him in the helmet & then jango takes off to get outa there before obi can get to close to him. they mighta taken out the sceen to make jango seam alittle tougher. Make scence to you guys?
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