Active Hunter
HA!!! I was just watching AOTC and was paying VERY close atention and i INDEED see right b4 me that Jango does have his dent the whole time. battle with obiwan & all. sadly I have AOTC on VHS and cant take screanies. i can understand why it was so hard to se cause of the rain and its almost invisable, especialy when jango first swings around to see Obi. but trust me that dent is there. so that bumping his head theory is WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!!!!!!
anyway the best place to see the dent during the battle is the seccond jango is crawling on the spire to fire his ricket. if oyu freez it right you can see it if you look hard enough
take that DVD!!!!
anyway ima look for some pics online to suport my insane claim!
anyway the best place to see the dent during the battle is the seccond jango is crawling on the spire to fire his ricket. if oyu freez it right you can see it if you look hard enough
take that DVD!!!!
anyway ima look for some pics online to suport my insane claim!
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