Cutting Out The Keyholes

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I just received my new bucket the other day (Same as Braks and Lynn's) . . .

So, in the name of accuracy, am I correct in thinking that the keyholes in the back on the original are actually cut out, with a backing placed in from behind for the computer chip?

I've got the tools to cut it out, I just want to make sure that I'm doing the right thing by doing that.

I cut mine out, then hotglued a swatch of black "shade-fabric"
over it. Keeps air circulating, and looks pretty cool when you show it off...

I cut mine out, its just about the only thing i have done but i did it :) next i gotta do the painting
Mine are cut out and I have a dark, black screening material on the inside. Helps let some air in and adds a nice dark effect. You can't see in through it.
Thanks guys . . I probably won't do the screening thing . . . I'm going to go for as close to accurate as possible, I just wanted to make sure that it was in fact cut out on the original. Looked that way to me, but, before I cut up my new helmet, wanted to make sure the original was first. :D

Did anyone ever come up with what type of chip was in the back?

Just some additional info on the board (nothing new), the "board/chip" is the same on both the ESB and the ROTJ. And about the only discernable feature on the board is a rectangular box placed vertically near the top left of the keyholes slot. The box also has several "lines" surrounding it.
Okay, I've been looking at that exact picture on the Ref CD of the ESB helmet, and I have one more question . . .

Beside the "chip" in the top three keyholes, to the left of them, there appears to be something . . . are these the lines tyler was talking about? Are they etched? Raised? What are they?

Yes, those are the lines I was talking about. It so happens I have stick of RAM next to me here, and the rectangles are on the RAM are VERY similar to the board behind the keyholes. Those lines are raised metal that connect the black rectangle to the RAM.


Granted, it is obvious that the RAM I have scanned in the image is not the same as the one they used. There are no lines at the bottom of the RAM I scanned. But maybe it's the 1980's equivalent of whatever that board does on a stick of RAM.
Good pic, but, I was actually referring to these lines down the side:


They don't look to me as though they're part of the chip, and the rest of what shows through the keyhole doesn't look to be a circuit board. I'm figuring a similar sized chip shouldn't be tough to find (I do work with computers all day long) :D but, just curious as to what the lines are.

Hi there, just wanted to share some information on the circuit box on the back of the helmet. Although I dont know what was used this part of the helmet for or what is it's porpouse, on one of the Dark Horse comics "Twin Engines of Destruction", Boba Fett presses down on the back of Jodo Kast helmet where the key hole's are to separate the helmet from the suit. So you can asume that the helmet and suit are attached (this is logical since it is a space suit) and the key holes are a lock mechanism so that the helmet dosen't get separated with ease. Then again you will have to ask George Lucas to be sure on that, or they can be whatever you want them to be.

P.S. how can I apply to be part of the ESB team??
I was actually thinking about riggin up a key pad thing to go over JodoXIII's keyholes. I thought that'd be a cool adaptation. But, how do you guys cut out those little key holes accurately? My last bucket was done with a cutting disk on a dremel and the key holes came out sloppy
I used one of the bits with a little ball on the end it worked quite well and i switched to a smaller size to do the top part of the keyhole
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