Custom Mando..Eagleskull


Active Hunter
I thought i would share to all of you my upcoming project.

Heres a logo i designed for my armor, kindof my version of the Fett skull.
My finished helmet, with the colors i will use for the armor



Hopefully i get the 2 piece glued together and then off to get it painted.
Heres also a teaser of my rifle, its still in the planing stages..What do you think? When you put the two parts together its massive, so im planing on using it like a M60 and hip shoot it

Hopefully ill finish this by Comic Con

Now that I like. RIS Chest plate eh? :thumbsup: If you do get finished we'd love to meet up with you at Comic Con :D

Can't wait to see your ideas for my logo after seeing yours. Is that a Reek?
I dig that armor man! A nice, clean, orig part for a change. Nothing against the classic mando armor, but its always refreshing to see something new on a 'custom' mando.
Very nice. Changing the armor up is what customs/varients are all about. Do something original with the classic stuff. Did you sketch the top pic? I like it.
Thanks for all the comments, i been working on this about every weekend but since i have only 13 days till graduation im going to be working on this even more to finish for Comic Con.
Remo- yes that is one of my sketches :D
Darkfang- Correctamundo it is RIS, I liked the way the armor looked in the game so decided to make it, about your logo. It will be done as soon as i have time bro, these past days are just papers upon papers :/ Im actually writing one now lol
But thanks again for the comments all

Almost done with the front armor piece all that is left is to add some grey markings and to add the details into the emblem and to dirty it up.
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