Custom Mando Armor Painted!!


Well here is the result of many hours of painting etc. The color should be a dark maroon but the flash and room light makes the color here look purple. I now have to weather the armor and get them put on a good vest. The rest of the armor from the cod piece down will be done over this week and carry the same paint scheme. Any kind of thoughts will great..............Rob




wow great paintjob! I really love it, turned out great. My only suggesting is change out the Tvisor for one thats thinner, the helmet just looks odd in that area to me.
Looks cool...

One little sugestion

Continue the pinstripe on the collar and back plate down the shoulder bells


Like this (I edited your pic with photo shop.)

I love it! Great color scheme! Unfortunatly, my Color Blindess makes your red look pink to me, but I can imagine how it really looks to normal folks out there.

Very impressive and I agree with Shadow, that pinstriping he suggested would look a lot better.
I love it! Great color scheme! Unfortunatly, my Color Blindess makes your red look pink to me, but I can imagine how it really looks to normal folks out there.

Very impressive and I agree with Shadow, that pinstriping he suggested would look a lot better.

actually its maroon. so pink would be right if you think about it, by normal eye standards of course
Thanks for all the kind words. I have taken Shadows advice and put the extra pinstripe on the shoulder bells. It does look better. I will find a way to get a pic of the armor with the correct color. Any time i use a flash to take a pic it turns pinkish. I may have to take it outside in the natural light. I have sence posting painted and striped half of the leg armor etc. I will get it all posted soon as i get a day off from work to have time to do it.........Rob
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