Cruzer V3 Holster Assembly Interest Thread


Well-Known Hunter
Over the last couple of weeks I've been contacted by a handful of people who were all interested in obtaining one of my V3 holster asemblies. Consequently in a little over a month I'll be venturing onto a new career path that will without a doubt take me away from doing any further Jango leatherworking for quite some time...maybe even indefinitely.

So I posted this thread to see if there were about 4 individuals who would be interested in me squeezing one more run of holster assemblies in before they're no longer available. I would need at least 4 people interested who were able to place prepaid orders. Any more than 4 people and we would have to play it by ear after I finished the 4 orders.

Turn around time would be 2 weeks for the first 2 people who placed orders, and 3 weeks for the 3rd and 4th people.

For now this is just an "Interest only" thread as I need to finish up 2 holster assemblies and a gauntlet project I'm currently working on before starting a holster run.

See the pics below for past V3 holster assemblies.


EDIT: Sorry guys, I forgot the pricing -$200.


Ok, it's beginning to look like I can get started on a run next week. If I push it, I can fabricate approximately 3 assemblies in a week so the first set of prepaid orders will be started next week and I'll just keep making as many as I can.

The strapping system of each assembly is cut to fit a person's body dimensions, therefore, I can only accept prepaid orders before starting to cut on the leather. As a result, I'll have to take orders in the order that payments are received.

If you place an order I'll need you to PM me these three body dimensions: Height, waist circumference at about the belly button, and mid-thigh circumference. I'll cut the strapping system as close as possible, but a little on the excess side so keep in mind you may have to shorten the front straps if it doesn't fit perfectly out of the box by adjusting it with the holes. It's an alteration that can easily be done with any tool that will make a hole in a piece of leather (i.e. punch, drill, knife, etc.). The back straps and thigh straps are intentionally made long so you can cut off the excess material for a custom fit.

There are a few possibilities for stain finishes that are available, and having to choose between either a 1 3/4" leather belt or 2" nylon webbed belt. So once a person places an order, we'll discuss specifics via PM.

Prices are $200 shipped in the U.S., and $215 across the ocean.

My paypal addy is (there's an underscore between my first and last name).

I think that's it.

I'll start the list here:

1. Benkenove (paid)
2. Jango Fettish (paid)
3. Svoor (paid)
4. gaogaigar (paid)
5. TK3130 (paid)
6. MonCal (paid)
7. Fett2210 (paid)
8 Skirata (paid)
9. Bobamaker (paid)



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Jump on this guys!!

It doesnt get better then this. Unless we get a hold of the real ones.

Cruzer - it looks like you've made excellent progress on your holsters. I admire your hard work.

Consequently in a little over a month I'll be venturing onto a new career path that will without a doubt take me away from doing any further Jango leatherworking for quite some time...maybe even indefinitely.

OUCH ... ooohh that hurts to hear. Your work is absolutely amazing my friend! Nonetheless, I will wish you the best with your new career, but I sure hope it doesn't tear you away from the TDH community.

Seriously fellers, ya gotta get Cruzer's gear right here if you want a really accurate .
Definately the best holsters out there if of course I didnt have them already I would jump at this last chance!!!!!

I my self have a V3 and let me tell you...........:rolleyes well its flippin awesome duh!!!!:cheers I cant wait for good ol hallos eve to show these puppies off, i just need some good westars and im set. Cruzers work is pure art, and accurate and just plain kick butt, when i first opened the box i was all like :p :eek: :love :thumbsup: :cheers :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: and that doesnt even say it all.

Cruzer: Thanks for all your hard work and great knowledge that you have given here at TDH. I wish you all the best with your new venture.!
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Wow, I'm humbled. BIG and thank you to those who posted shout-outs! I'm glad you were happy with them for those who have a pair. And JB and JW, your's are closer to being done every night.

The list has already spilled over with those who have expressed interest. Let me log all the PMs and replies and get a list going when I get time.
Speaking from experience, the amount of time, skill and money involved in a set as accurate as this is overwhelming. I would jump all over this if I didn't have so much blood, sweat and tears in my own set.
If it's not too late I better jump on the list :)

... do you take trades? ;) .. either way I want in if there's room for one more.
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