Collar Armor Shape

Well Paid Killer

Active Hunter


Not to mention, look at the collar armor... Its in the V shape style of Jangos????
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I did a search on this but did not find anything.....
Concerning Fett's neck armor, is it rounded where it meets the neck or is it angled like this \_/ ?? Hope I am making sense here.....
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JMP is absolutely right. If it isn't round, then every figure and costume I have ever seen is wrong.
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Thanks guys....I wasn't sure after viewing pics on the Fett Ref CD. It almost looks like it is not round, but angled like \_/ ....of course, I couldnt really tell, so thought Id ask.
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Well Paid Killer wrote:

Not to mention, look at the collar armor... Its in the V shape style of Jangos????
Fett's collar armor has always had the v shape to it.
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Dean O wrote:

Well Paid Killer wrote:

Not to mention, look at the collar armor... Its in the V shape style of Jangos????
Fett's collar armor has always had the v shape to it.

Boba's collar in ESB did not had a v shape. As for the shoulder bell I wold like to think that Boba Fett has many armor replacements and that he sometimes needs to change parts because they connot take more damage. In reality they screw it up.
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Boba's collar in ESB did not had a v shape
I beg to differ with you on that point. It has had the v shape to it in every incarnation. Here's a picture that shows it. Now you'll note the jettpack is pulling the collar back on his shoulders so it may at first look like the v isn't there but in fact it is. Take a closer look and you'll see the point right in the middle. If you hold a ruler up to the two sides of the collar they both go off at different angles. It's all in the way it sits on the shoulder that determines the way it looks to the eye. The collar armor on my suit does the same thing. Wish I had a better picture here at work that shows this but this is the best I could do without my Fett Reference CD. :)
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Dean O wrote:

Boba's collar in ESB did not had a v shape
I beg to differ with you on that point. It has had the v shape to it in every incarnation. Here's a picture that shows it. Now you'll note the jettpack is pulling the collar back on his shoulders so it may at first look like the v isn't there but in fact it is. Take a closer look and you'll see the point right in the middle. If you hold a ruler up to the two sides of the collar they both go off at different angles. It's all in the way it sits on the shoulder that determines the way it looks to the eye. The collar armor on my suit does the same thing. Wish I had a better picture here at work that shows this but this is the best I could do without my Fett Reference CD. :)

Check this picture out. I dont know what to tell you but I see your point.
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That's the picture I meant to post last night Tyler. The shape of the collar is deciving because when viewed from a certain angle to looks straight. The collar armor on my suit does this all the time where it pulls up close to the neck and then you see it from a head on view and it appears straight. Bugs the crap outta me but I haven't been able to stop it. :(
Actually, my comments were merged with this thread....I was inquiring about the shape of the neck armor on the neck side and it appears you guys are talking about the shape of the edge closest to the chest armor. Yes this definately is a V. But is the neck side a circular shape or a V type shape illustrated here '\_/'??
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