Cod Template


Well-Known Hunter
Hi, I need a god Cod Template from Boba Fett. I search in the forum but i search a screen accurate template. I'm doing my armor in PVC.

My english is bad but I'm from Spain :lol: and I'm 14 years old xD.

Edit: Sorry I need the templates from Jango Fett Cod. Thanks
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Hi, I need a god Cod Template from Boba Fett. I search in the forum but i search a screen accurate template. I'm doing my armor in PVC.

My english is bad but I'm from Spain :lol: and I'm 14 years old xD.

Edit: Sorry I need the templates from Jango Fett Cod. Thanks

Go to that link, it will send you to the wizardofflight set of Jango Armor for you to print and build yourself.

I'm build this costume of JF:


Jango Fett: Up

Jaster Mereel: Down

PD: In the comic the colors are diferents and is more cool :lol:
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