cleaning t-visor


Active Hunter
When I was installing my t-visor to my helmet I got some glue on it. After it dryed I tried to clean it but it's a little bit smeary. Can anyone help me to clean it to where it looks good? Thanks. ;)

This t-visor(faceshield) was the 3rd one that I bought from So I have extra plastic pieces to experiment with. ;)
I use a product called de-solv-it.It is a biodegradable chemical free adhesive remover.Has kind of an orange scent.I will take all that off your visor, just be care ful to not let it get on the adhesive that holds the visor in place, cause it will dissolve it.
But it is great stuff, and a little goes a long way.After you put it on just wipe it off real good with a soft cloth.
Takes off wax, crayon, on a lot of different things.
Hope this helps.
wickedbeard said:
I use a product called de-solv-it.It is a biodegradable chemical free adhesive remover.Has kind of an orange scent.I will take all that off your visor, just be care ful to not let it get on the adhesive that holds the visor in place, cause it will dissolve it.
But it is great stuff, and a little goes a long way.After you put it on just wipe it off real good with a soft cloth.
Takes off wax, crayon, on a lot of different things.
Hope this helps.
Thanks wickedbeard. ;)
I've heard of a product readily available at Home Depot called "Goof Off." It will remove adhesive very well, but I don't know what effect it will have on the T-visor.
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