Chicago Photo Shoot

The Clone Emperor said:
Funny thing, I found myself scowling and clenching my teeth under my helmet for the poses. I don't know why.

I can't tell you how many pics I had to throw away because you guys were blinking behind your masks... ;)
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And what would a get-together be with out "the ceremonial banging of the plastic toys." Don't even ask what we were doing here... I don't know. I think beer was involved. I hope so. Otherwise I have no excuse...

Brak's, you are one heck of a photographer. All of you are just awesome. I just loved the Durge beat on photos, though. :) Nothing against Fett, mind you.

Jodo Kast 3 said:
I have to say that posing for those pics was not as easy as it looks. Some of the shots you guys have`nt seen yet were very demanding.

Craig has a really good point here. Having your picture taken can be extremely demanding, especially if you want to have pictures that are interesting and dynamic. In general our costumes are built to look good but not to function and as many of you know all too well, the costumes give you limited mobility, range and visibility. All of this comes into play when you are being photographed. I would STRONGLY encourage anyone who is considering doing a photo shoot to first really study your character, then begin to practice in front of a mirror, then take test photos. You may be very suprised to see that you are not posing the way you think you are! Additionally, the camera tends to make you look more dull and boring than you do in real life because you are still and frozen in place. To get a dynamci picture you must hyperextend and greatly exagerrate all of your poses. It may look ridiculous and feel silly, but it will turn out great for pics! The biggest thing is to practice a lot. I would suggest getting the help of a significant other (or use a tripod and timer yourself) and take a lot of test photos and review them, noting where you can make improvements. Really notice which poses show you off best and which do not. A lot of times a pose you THINK looks good will not and you may be suprised how some you didn't expect to be winners will really turn out amazing. I am no expert, but if I can be of any help to anyone, please let me know.
Art posted some awesome information and I have done this quite a bit at home. I even bought some clamp lights like you can find at Home Depot to give some more light and make my pictures look a bit better too and bought a sheet to use as a back drop. I also have a full length mirror that I set behind my camera and tripod that I use when taking pictures so I can actually see what I am doing when I take them and it helps tremendously.
Jodo Kast 3 said:
I have to say that posing for those pics was not as easy as it looks. Some of the shots you guys have`nt seen yet were very demanding.

Yeah, no kidding. I needed a nap after my shoot.

BTW - That group photo is AWESOME!
We'll I've been a bit quiet this whole time becuase I need a few days to recoop and seeked out some consouling from the verbal abuse all weekend. but what I can say is WHAT A DARN GREAT TIME!!!!

Thank YOU:

Jose & Jennifer for opening their house and being so nice in letting us shot there.

ART you are master in my eyes in taking these shots and helping people pose for the best picture ever.

Turo & Michelle for the hospitality!
I think my favorite one of all is the one with Brak's and Toby.


Braks actualy LOOKS like Mike Teavee in that pic. LOL! I LOVE IT! And the expression on Toby's face is PRICELESS! great pics and even better costumes folks! BRAVO! :cheers
Just for your info, today there's a high of 18 degrees and we won't break the freezing mark around here until maybe Saturday. But we'd love to have you!
Blastech said:
Holy crap. You guys rule. I'm moving to Chicago and drinking lots of the water.

Also, top form Art!
Awesome pictures! I have got to get a digital camera one of these days! I imagine you'll be getting prints done eh? If nothing else there's a print shop out here that does amazing digital work. Their Fujiflex supergloss prints are absolutely amazing. Is it ok if I have that group image printed Brak's?

I think the one with goat that is a bit more grainy is actually very cool, almost reminds me of snow swirling through the image. No more snow for me out here though :p

"... and bought a sheet to use as a back drop." I've made quite a few backdrops now and depending on the use a backdrop with texture can really make an image pop out. Basically, take a sheet and a couple small cans of latex, one black and one light grey or any other combination of colors though generally grey has a wider application than say...yellow. Mix a little of each in a roller pan (don't stir it) then roll it onto the sheet semi-randomly. After it dries, remix at a different ratio and do it again.

Then again if you're editing digitally a solid color may be easier to manipulate.

....uh oh, I'm rambling... *end transmission*
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Cutest_Sandgirl said:
Beautiful photos as always. Particularly love the ones of Goat in the Alley. :)

Shame I don't have any photos like that....:rolleyes

:( Don't make me come up there and see you and Andy!!!
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