chest display instilation question.


Active Hunter
I was thinking about ordering a chest display from TK409 for my custom mando and I had a question is it really necessary to cut a section out of my vest? My vest was a one of a kind gift from heaven and I am very affraid of cutting into it if I dont have to..
I was thinking about ordering a chest display from TK409 for my custom mando and I had a question is it really necessary to cut a section out of my vest? My vest was a one of a kind gift from heaven and I am very affraid of cutting into it if I dont have to..

Not at all. I just used some gaffa tape to stick it to the inside of the armor. Not need to cut the vest at all.

so the circuit board and display is pretty thin then? so if its attached like you say the chest piece should not look to bulky?

Yeah my one looks fine.

yea my chest pieces are slightly smaller then what you have so what I will prob do is take the messurements that are on TK409 and draw (in pencil of course) on the armor plate to see how room it takes up on the front of the plate.
it depends on how everything fits you.

when i started boba, my... er... vest was sort of small (aka, i was sort of big), so i found that having the board in between the vest and the armor pushed out the armor plate a bit more than i liked.

as i've shrunk, this has been less of a problem.

that said, i still cut my vest, just as a habit.
This thread is more than 17 years old.

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