Changing Thread Title

Boba Fett

Active Hunter
I have a question. How do you change the title of a thread after you have already created it? I changed the title to one of the threads that I have started, but the change only shows up when you click on the thread and not in the index. Any suggestions?
From what I have been told, it is just bug in the software. I could be wrong. If you need help, please PM an admin.
There is some confusion about this from time to time so let me explain. A thread is actually a container with posts inside. The thread has a title. Likewise, each post within the thread has a title. You can change the title of your post, but only an admin can change the title of the thread. If you ever mistitle a thread, just PM an admin and they can make the changes for you.
There is some confusion about this from time to time so let me explain. A thread is actually a container with posts inside. The thread has a title. Likewise, each post within the thread has a title. You can change the title of your post, but only an admin can change the title of the thread. If you ever mistitle a thread, just PM an admin and they can make the changes for you.

Hey Dent thanks for the info. I was never totally sure on this.
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