can some one help me with a helmet?!


i feel horrible for asking this of you people, but does anyone have a used helmet with a movable viewfinder that they are willing to get rid of? i cant find one that i can afford, and without the helmet my costume will never be complete!if you are willing to give one to me, i will pay, and if you want to help me out please pm me. thanks.... *goes on couch and curls into a ball, being misarable*
:cry :( :cry :( :cry :( :cry
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i feel horrible for asking this of you people, but does anyone have a used helmet with a movable viewfinder that they are willing to get rid of? i cant find one that i can afford, and without the helmet my costume will never be complete!if you are willing to give one to me, i will pay, and if you want to help me out please pm me. thanks.... *goes on couch and curls into a ball, being misarable*
:cry :( :cry :( :cry :( :cry
Well first of all, if you're looking for a quality helmet, DO NOT BUY A RUBIES.

About 100% of the helmets do have the movable rangefinder, so I couldn't be worried about finding one that does not. Generally an unpainted Jango helmet could be sold for a few hundred dollars, and add a new more hundred to look for a painted one.
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