Bucket comp pics, MSH2/MSH/MH


Active Hunter
Well, after some initial trimming and a very loooooong day at work I have two new comparison shots, Only lacking more detail on the MSH2 because of the stupid sun *shakes fist*. Enjoy!


Man oh man, it's a beautiful thing... And it's uhh, big!

Excuse the quality of the picture, my cammera sucks and I don't have very good lighting conditions at the moment.
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That is AWESOME!
I've wanted one of these for a LONG TIME!
Looks Awesome!
Your a lucky Fett!
Robert E.
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Looks sweet! I'd like to see a comparison shot of the MSH2 helmet next to a standard DP 95 or 96. I've got a heavily modified DP 96 and I'm curious how much larger this is. I guessing one could probably put a DP 96 directly into the MSH2.
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webchief wrote:

Looks sweet! I'd like to see a comparison shot of the MSH2 helmet next to a standard DP 95 or 96. I've got a heavily modified DP 96 and I'm curious how much larger this is. I guessing one could probably put a DP 96 directly into the MSH2.

:lol: Nope ... not even close man .... ;) There will be more pics to come.

Lyntxp - E-Mail Already sent.
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Nice Helmet!
How can you specify the size of the real bucket used in the movies? I thought that the Don Post was molded from the real thing and that only the dome is too flat. In some stills of the movies, the helmet doesn’t look larger than the Don Post. Have they used different sizes?
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Well the origin claim on the Don Post Deluxe was a bit vague. I have the original ad, but so I won't misquote I'll say their wording of the Deluxe origin is some-what vague and open to interpretation.

Once upon a time, several board members here took a trip to MoM in New York and brought along a Don Post deluxe with them to compare it to the Jedi hero helmet. At that time, no one really believed the Deluxe would be too far off from the size/proportions of the film helmet. But when they got there, the difference in the helmet size was immediately evident to everyone there: the DP Deluxe was noticably smaller in all aspects to the film helmet. They were shocked to see the difference.

That being said, I do believe the Don Post Deluxe can be traced back to a "real" Fett helmet. Which helmet? I can't say for sure. I doubt it was an ESB or Jedi hero, though. Also, it's evident the Deluxe helmet went through MANY changes before being finalized. Add to that a dash of warpage, which is common with most Don Post products, and you have a helmet that is quite removed from the original.

In regard to the question of Fett having different sized helmets, I don't believe that is case. What I do think you might be seeing is warpage on the "original" Fett helmets. It is plausable that a couple of helmets acquired different warps during the curing/pulling process, hence subtle variations from helmet to helmet.
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Here is some comp pics of my Boba Fett buckets...

Left to right are the MSH2, MSH, and MH buckets.





The MSH2 is very nicely cast in fg and cast resin parts and is the largest by far of these three buckets that are the best IMO out there.

I can't get over just how awesome this thing is. I have a MSH-1 on it's way to me this morning, I gotta figure out what I'm going to do with each one... perhaps two ESB buckets. *insert evil grin here*
Thanks Lynn!!!
It's amazing how close they all are in size. The MSH2 looks a bit larger than both, but I assume this is also because of the white color.

I really like the Pre-pro paint job on the MH. Looking good....again, thanks for the pics!

Could some one PM me the cost and perhaps where to look (ie. who) for these helmets, please?

They look great, btw.
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