Bondo Glazing Putty


Active Hunter
Hey guys!

Just gettin ready to clean my MS up and I'm about to fill and sand the small air bubbles and imperfections. I don't need alot of bondo so the can is probably going to get wasted, so I'm curious if the Bondo Glazing Putty in the squeeze tube will work?

Bobo said:
Hey guys!

Just gettin ready to clean my MS up and I'm about to fill and sand the small air bubbles and imperfections. I don't need alot of bondo so the can is probably going to get wasted, so I'm curious if the Bondo Glazing Putty in the squeeze tube will work?


Only for "ULTRA" fine scratches or scuffs. Don't bother filling ANYTHING that is deeper than that with this stuff. That's all galzing is ... very fine filling. If you take the chance on filling anyhting really deep with it, you will have to do it in layers, making sure it dries fully (air at room temp) before adding the next, ect. ect.

If you're concerned about wasting, just go get a single can of Bondo "Ultimate". It's blue when mixed. 9.5 oz. Better than the run of the mill pink bondo, easier to sand, feathers better. Sticks to ANYTHING ! Only about 12 bucks at Wal-Mart.

I use a thin glazing puddy made by evercoat. It's made to be put on thin and blocked flat in automotive applications. I don't see why you can't use regular bondo, if you already have it. Use a plastic spreader and don't put on more than you need, squeeze it into your holes as you wipe over it. The glazing putty is thin and likes to self level itself, which makes it hard to do things on the side of an object, it sometimes runs out.

good luck.
Thx FP!

I just didn't want to buy a can of bondo that I'll only use a teaspoon of, that's all. Guess I have no choice! ;)

You can also try CA glue or superglue for the small bubbles


Actually, lets take that a little bit further ...

Superglue and BAKING SODA. Good 'ol Arm & Hammer ;)

I didn't even think to offfer that info, as I had in mind more of the "finishing/Feathering" properties of filler. But yes, it's and awesome way to go if your in a pinch. I've been doing it for years

The baking soda acts as an instant filler for larger areas. Drop super glue in first, sprinkle the baking soda over the top of it ... dries instantly. Use it in layers if you need to for biiger gaps. Hard as steel. The only downsize is that it's a little harder to sand if you in the "Finishing/Feather" stages. But you could use this method to fill your gaps, and then use glazing putty over the top to smooth it out.

Bobo said:
Thx FP!

I just didn't want to buy a can of bondo that I'll only use a teaspoon of, that's all. Guess I have no choice! ;)


Oh, and uh Bobo ... if your into "Fett", don't worry about a small can of Bondo bud ... you're gonna need it :lol:

Just pound the lid back on it, and call it good. It last's forever sealed.

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Loranar_Fett said:
Or even for 4 month's unsealed (with the lid slightly cocked) as I recently found out :)



Yep, been there too ... even if it's a little dried out, just mix a tad of acetone in it :lol:

You might also want to try joint compound. I use it. You can spread it with your fingers and clean up with water. It air drys and sands quickly. Since its basically a paper, it will also seal with most paints/sealers/urethanes/glazes, etc...
Just buy the can of bondo after you have it you might be supprised what you will find to do with it. also I use the bondo spot puty all the time and love that stuff just has a high shrink factor so have to layer deeper holes but dries reel fast
This one may sound also involves superglue.

Some of you might know this one but, I love this little mix. Take some "babypowder" sprinkle it out onto a piece of SCRAP plastic...
NOT paper (soaks up the superglue) and make a volcano shape out
of it. Next just drop some superglue into your volcano and mix it up :thumbsup: .
The more babypowder you add, the thicker it will get. It dries fast and hard, and sands VERY nice. Once you try it a few times you'll get the hang of it. Its easy to add more babypowder than glue so keep that tip in mind. Hope you all like it..................Instant filler :thumbsup:
It's amazing what you can do with super glue, it's like the next duct tape:D
Awsome techniques guys!
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