Boba's "Found" Parts List


Well-Known Hunter
This post is a place to put the parts that where used to help make up Boba, the "Found" parts list. There is a lot of information here at TDH, this should help get you started.

Here is the part where you come in. As a single person, I am not going to know or be able to find everything. So, I need you to post the part names and posts that help support the part. Then every few days I or one of the other admins will move the part into the 100% or 90% sure parts list.
For this section I am going to only put in it items that we at 100% sure they where used.
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For this section I am going to only put in it items that we at 90% sure they where used.
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Woa horseee! There's still a lot left to learn for the list.

3. Missing mfr. name, GlenRoss (sp?)
7. 3-hold dental connectors come from everywhere. KAB is one distributor out of hundreds.
9. Kit part numbers would be cooler, but the part covers the electric motor, not the battery.
10. ditto
15. No one can prove at this point whether the flash tube was of Heiland, MPP, or other origin.
16. Same deal. T-tracks are a good educated guess with no proof.
18. Not all of the switches have been found. In fact most of them have not.
24. CA boots are no more a "found" part than MoW gauntlets, MLC armor, or any other fan-made piece.
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