This thread will be used strictly to post issues regarding the new colors and layouts within TDH. Please do not use this thread to express how much you like/dislike the new themes and layouts, but to post very specific issues, concerns and suggestions.
Issue #1 - No cursor in Mac OS X, seen mostly in Safari browser. This apparently is an issue specific to Mac OS X's built-in text fields. The cursor is always black. You can see the same thing in TextEdit, in a document with a black background. Other browsers such as Firefox uses a different text-editing scheme, with its own cursor.
Issue #1 affects - Mac users, especially those using Safari.
Issue #1 solution - Change edit and input fields to a non-black color.
Issue #1 status - resolved - verified by Mac user.
Issue #1 - No cursor in Mac OS X, seen mostly in Safari browser. This apparently is an issue specific to Mac OS X's built-in text fields. The cursor is always black. You can see the same thing in TextEdit, in a document with a black background. Other browsers such as Firefox uses a different text-editing scheme, with its own cursor.
Issue #1 affects - Mac users, especially those using Safari.
Issue #1 solution - Change edit and input fields to a non-black color.
Issue #1 status - resolved - verified by Mac user.