
C'on mate, be a little more patient... at the end, it will worth it ;)... Remember, people uses to have their life appart of star wars ;)...
i wouldn't be surprised if he was taking a vacation after what is probably the busiest time of the year for him. just be patient and he will get back to you. and you won't be disappointed by his work. remember... good things come to those who wait.
He's there, just give him time.

While your waiting, decide on your paints and buy them. Study reference pics until your eyes cross....research!!
I usualy get an answer from Daz within a day or two. But I agree with the above ones, give him some time, due he is very busy.

Hey, Daz ! In case you check this one, get ready to recieve another order within this month from me. :) :)
He's been really great about contacting me when I have questions, or add to the project he's working on for me at the last moment-so that might be part of the hold up, so you can blame me a little for the wait...:lol: Just be patient, he's probably winding down from the Halloween rush and will be able to get ahold of you soon. Patience grasshopper...;)


This is very odd, I will reply to every email within 48 hours (usualy 24). However, it is possible that my spam software has not let your emails through, I get an incredible amount of these mails.

I have PM'd you anyway, just in case you haven't read this.


i have tried to email him using the addy from his site about buying a helmet and maybe a backpack but he has yet to reply.....i have sent 2 different emails within the last 3-4 he just a real busy guy? what is his usual response time?

sorry, not trying to be pushy...i am just excited to hear from him
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