Bobamaker armor inquiry


Active Hunter
I have a question, does anyone have any pictures of the NEW armor sculpt from Bobamaker? I havn't really seen it, besides the picture on the website, but it's at an angle. Anyone have a picture of the armor from a front view? Thank.
cookiemongoloid said:
I have a question, does anyone have any pictures of the NEW armor sculpt from Bobamaker? I havn't really seen it, besides the picture on the website, but it's at an angle. Anyone have a picture of the armor from a front view? Thank.

I have the new style BM armor on order. I can take pics of it, when it gets here. However, I don't know how long that will be.
ow my... I got BM knees and a bucket and those were fantastique... and this armor... I WILL be getting that. look at the curve in it!! that is just what I've been wanting all along, something that curves both horizontal and vertical, something you can never achieve with PVC sheets or Sintra because of the same problem you encounter when trying to fold an A4sheet of paper around a football...

imo... this is excellent stuff!!
RBF said:
ow my... I got BM knees and a bucket and those were fantastique... and this armor... I WILL be getting that. look at the curve in it!! that is just what I've been wanting all along, something that curves both horizontal and vertical, something you can never achieve with PVC sheets or Sintra because of the same problem you encounter when trying to fold an A4sheet of paper around a football...

imo... this is excellent stuff!!

Okay, when you get the NEW Bobamaker armor, take pictures, and post them here. THANKS!
hmm.. don't expect that to happen anytime soon.

Still a few steps away from even beginning to upgrade Boba (but I will).

But I'll probably want those armor pieces for my custom aswell.
cookiemongoloid said:
I have a question, does anyone have any pictures of the NEW armor sculpt from Bobamaker? I havn't really seen it, besides the picture on the website, but it's at an angle. Anyone have a picture of the armor from a front view? Thank.

Hmm. . . perhaps you'll call me crazy for suggesting this: try emailing B-M and asking him to send you a picture! *gasp* :eek:
I had asked him for some additional pics of his flightsuit before I placed an order, and he was very helpful. :thumbsup:
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My Bobamaker armor came in today! Awesome stuff! :thumbsup:

I'll post pics. If there is anything specific you want pics of, post the requests here.
Hmmm. . . I would like to see a pic of the middle 3 mm of the strip between the 2 LED cutouts.
Or is that too specific? ;)

My Bobamaker armor should be coming within the next couple of weeks! Woo hoo!
Great pics TK-2177... thanks for sharing...

Let me just ask you 1 thing... Is not the jumpsuit too loud blue ??? (I mean, if I´m not wrong it should be a little less loud... I little softer) ???

Is just a doubd/thought.
I think you are correct. I do have some pics where the suit looks close to this, but most pics it looks lighter, especially screen shots. I'm thinkin' about fading it a bit.
Anyone have any suggestions or input reguarding the true tint of blue?
Here are pics of my Bobamaker armor:

I have the TK-409 chest lights and they do not line up with the cutout. I will need to do some work there. If you order a set, you may want them filled in and you can out out your own chest light window.

The edges are 3/16" thick and the main material appears to be 1/8" or slighty thicker.

The armor has a VERY solid feel and yet is light. The chest armor hugs my chest great.

Overall, I am VERY pleased! :thumbsup:






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