Boba Fett boots 2nd run: 6 JAN UPDATE

Jango Wes

Well-Known Hunter
Boba Fett boots 2nd run: 12 JAN UPDATE

FINALLY! The last 2 sets are in!!!! I'll get them out tomorrow!

Ok, here's the order thread. My paypal addres is If you need to send a money order, PM me and I'll send you my mailing address. I'll send in the order once I have recieved all the payments. Don't forget to include your TDH name and size when sending payment.

TK-1776 8 - <font color="#CCFF00">SHIPPED
dc wheaton 8 - <font color="#CCFF00">SHIPPED
mobius 8 - <font color="#CCFF00">SHIPPED

Yautja 9 - <font color="#CCFF00">SHIPPED
Forced Trekker 9 - <font color="#CCFF00">SHIPPED
Darksaber212 9 - <font color="#CCFF00">SHIPPED

patiam 10 - <font color="#CCFF00">SHIPPED
Scott (501st) 10 - <font color="#CCFF00">SHIPPED
Roman's Empire 10 - <font color="#CCFF00">SHIPPED
Fett2004 10W - <font color="#CCFF00">SHIPPED
Stefano (non TDH) 10 - <font color="#CCFF00">SHIPPED

Dengar99 11 - <font color="#CCFF00">SHIPPED
closedwheel72 11 - <font color="#CCFF00">SHIPPED
Snake Fett 11 - <font color="#CCFF00">SHIPPED
Fett-Texas Ranger 11 - <font color="#CCFF00">SHIPPED
Icedevil 11 - <font color="#CCFF00">SHIPPED
Ghostlord2002 11 - <font color="#CCFF00">SHIPPED
kurtyboy 11 - <font color="#3300FF">EN ROUTE
tambo fett 11 - <font color="#3300FF">EN ROUTE

remo locke 12 - <font color="#CCFF00">SHIPPED
Loranar_Fett 12 - <font color="#CCFF00">SHIPPED
Arn-Ma 12 - <font color="#CCFF00">SHIHPPED
MR Barlow 12 - <font color="#CCFF00">SHIPPED
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oh dammit.......depending on price, i'm in for a 10.5 (or 11 if no 1/2 sizes...)
wife is gonna kill me when i tell her bobas next...

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Hey I'm also in depending on price - actually probably regardless of price :D

How do they fit? I am normally Size 12!

I feel your pain sean - my wife will have my head too. ;)

Do you have any pics of the boots?

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Price is no concern to me. Whatever the price, the Empire will compensate you. :D Please put me in for a pair of size 8. Thanks!

John Barrows, Jr.
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How am I supposed to hunt without proper footwear?

Count me in for some 11's!

Thanks for doing another run, Wes!

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I was waiting for this. I'm in. At last, the last piece of my costume....:D
size 11.5 please.
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Add me in too...Size?

Someone said on an earlier thread that if, for example you wore a size 9, to get a 10. Does this still apply?

Will these be complete with a toe plate and spikes?
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I'm in for a size 9.
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ok im 10 size but i need to know how much cost, because as you know im live in a land ...far far away :D
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Since there is still a bad taste in a few people's mouths over the last run (not me, I wasn't in on it), can you give everyone a little background info on the new supplier? Will this be another cash-up-front deal? Is there going to be a clause if this deal goes sour? My fingers are crossed that this run goes as smooth as silk, but for whatever reasons, the last few attempts by members to offer Boba boots have flopped.
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BF, you bring up some good points. This is the same supplier that I used for the first run. The main hold up on the first run was due to the "incident" with my previous partner.
It will still have to be a cash up front deal because he has to buy materials to make the boots. My hopes are that this run goes much smoother as well. Just like last time, whole sizes only, money up front and I can supply spikes but no toe plates. Same price as before, $150 shipped.

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Hey Wes,

Do you want the $ now? I can use to send you the $150.00 today if you'd like. Thanks! :D

John Barrows, Jr.
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I'm with John, if paying you now will help the cause and make it easier on you, count on me for immediate payment as well.

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dengar99 wrote:

I'm with John, if paying you now will help the cause and make it easier on you, count on me for immediate payment as well.


Hey Wes,

I could pay now also if you need. Do you have any pics of the finished boots?

How much extra to ship to Canada?

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I'm in !!! Size 11 will do nicely ! I will finally be able to complete my costume !! Just let me know how much & when you need the payment !!
This Forum Rocks!!!
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For pics, check this thread:

LynnTXP did a review on my boots. He also posted pics comparing them to the MCs.

As far as money goes, I'll wait till the beginning of the month to start asking for money. I figure 2 weeks will give people time to see the thread and decide if they want them.

There is no difference in price for shipping overseas (or to Canada) as the price difference is negligible.

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