Boba Als ESB EE-3

Boba Al

New Hunter
This bad boy took me about 2 1/2 full days work to complete and well finally here it is! It isnt complete because im still waiting on the scope greebies from Omega Man ;) (molex connectors)

Heres some progress pics







The gun has several layers of paints and i used various masking methods. I had to make some parts from left over ABS plastic.

I used Sci fire method of making the wood pattern on the butt of the rifle.

Any quesitons id be happy to answer them!


Ahh i knew someone was gonna ask about that :lol: !!!

I got it off ebay from a gentleman in the UK it was an old WW2 small rifle sling and it came in terrible shape just what i needed for the rifle as it fits perfectly and looks the part!!:lol: Best way is to go and do a search for gun slings on Ebay will be your best bet! Good luck!!!
Notlewis said:

Looks great!!! :thumbsup:

How did you fix the Greeblies on the Woodstock? :thumbsup:

Thanks guys for the kind comments well the greeblies are fixed on using lock bond 401 which is a super super glue and trust me they are not going anywhere and works a treat!

Gday Guys,

thanks for the kind comments guys and as i say nothing around here should be a sercret. Most of the work was put in to the paint job as mentioned. The base of the blaster is MLCs kit which is fantastic except of course you have to put in some work to make it the way youd like. The gun came with the following bits assembled: the stock grip trigger area and barrel the rest i put together weathered and added extra parts ie connectors and scope mounts etc. Id be happy to pass on any info in regards to the construction of this rifle and parts MLC has done a fantastic job on the mould of this rifle!!!

Here is the final photos with the connectors installed i have used the latest AMP 6 pin housing connectors to finish off the rifle.


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