BM Customers Please Read... OUCH!

hope you have a smooth recovery. I banged up just fingers before and it makes everything hard to deal with when you hurt yours hands and wrists

take care bud
I said this in my email aready, but I'll say it here too!
Hang in there, Daz! I feel your pain having torn cartiledge in my left wrist myself and it's not fun, not to mention I'm a lefty to boot!:thumbsdown:
I have a hefty, hefty order in with you and while obviously as a customer I'm concerned about that, as a fellow fan and fan of your work, I think I speak for everyone when I say none of us want to see you hurting!!! :wacko

Take care of that wrist and thank you for the update and reassurances. Speedy recovery!!
This is a great thread. (Not great that you have hurt yourself :( )

Prop makers have a real life. It gets in the way. This is fantastic that you are letting your customers know.

Well done.
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