Black Misting

I am confused with black misting. I know what it does, but am not sure how to go about doing it. I use spray paints to paint my stuff, and I know most of you use airbrushes, but is it possible with spray paints too? I have used the search function, but I thinkI'm not typing in the words correctly or something cause I can't find what I am looking for. Can someone please hold my hand through this.....I'm scared. Or at least point me in the right direction. Thanks guys. :love
If your going to mist with black spray paint stand far back from the object and lightly mist it. Stand way back and work your way closer to the object. Go slowly, too little is okay you can always add more paint. You might want to try spraying on a scrap of something just to see how it goes. Practice until you feel comfortable.
You can always mist whatever color your trying to regain. But if you take your time with the black or whatever color your misting you shouldn't have to reapply color. Just go really slow or practcce on something else. The only thing you might have to retouch is the silver areas and you can do that with a brush. you shouldn't have to mask anything off unless your visor is already installed.
If your worried about misting have you thought about black washing the helmet. Mix a little black paint with a lot of water, brush it on, use a paper towel or something to wipe of areas that have to much paint or water. It's a pretty easy method. Just use acrylic paint. The mixture of paint and water should be mostly water. I think I read some people use four parts water to one part paint. I just mix as I go along.
You can also grind up pastels or charcoal and brush that on. You can then use a clear spray to get it to stay on. You can also mix water with the ground up pastels or charcoal and it will act like a water color. If you do this practice first because they will stain whatever their going on. If it's too dark a mix your helmet will get nasty stains on it that will have to be repainted.
Awesome help. Thank you. What's a good clear coat varnish type of spray paint? Something that goes on flat and smooth. By flat I mean not shiny. But I guess by smooth I mean flat also....anyway, do you know of one? Thank you a bunch for your help.
whoa, wait a sec...what are you black misting ? Nothing on the fett armor should be black misted...maybe black speckled, but NOT misted...its all about the washes..
Whats wrong with a little black misting?:lol:
Though I prefer dark gray primer misting....

I used a bit on my armor to dull it down and weather the decals. Topped it off with some dullcote.

Washes on my bucket and gauntlets - no misting there.

Misted the crap out of my jumpsuit and vest though, and other soft parts, with a bunch of different colors.


Misting vs speckled? By washes you mean the 4/5 water and 1/5 paint? and brushing that on? THanks for the help, I love learning these weathering techniques. I'm used to weathering and drybrushing on a small scale, models and whatnot, but it's new to me on a lifesize scale. Once again thanks for your help and patience.
OBI SEAN- I have never seen your suit ! That's spot on ! Really sweet looking and the paint jobs are phenominal ! - Ditto on the misting. I only misted the soft parts and if I did have to mist, it was NEVER black. That's my golden rule in weathering- NEVER USE BLACK - its makes it challenging and the truth of weathering is that it is the culmination of different colors that make the darker hues.

Sarlacc Food- by washing I simply mean taking a paper towel, wetting it under a faucet, dipping some of it in paint and going to town.
If you're misting with spray cans (wich I always use) is a bit to enthusiastic, so your part is almost completly black... just wash on the colour it originally had, worked for me...

rocket black misted.JPG

rocket finished.jpg
Make your wash with acrylic paint. You can use black, payne's gray, or what ever you feel looks good. You can apply the wash with a brush, towel, or whatever works for you. Personally I apply with a brush and use a towel to wipeoff what I don't want. Everyone's method is going to be slightly different. Just be sure to use plenty of water.
I use Windsor and Newton acrylic paint because that's what I have on hand. For doing a black wash craft paint would be fine. It comes in little bottles and it's more watered down than the stuff in the tubes. Brands don't really matter to much since it's going to be almost water.
I mostly work with alcyd based paint, the 5 main colours, bright red, blue, yellow, black and white and hand mix the colours myself, that way can be sure I get the colour I want or what I think is right.

basic colours, the first layer takes ages to dry though, but when it's dry I think it's alot more durable then water based acryllic paint or anything else, because it's the same paint used for furnature and garden walls, shelters etc. You don't always get the right colour because the paint wasn't ment to be mixed all that much, so white and red don;t create a bright pink, but a grey like purple...

but with my gauntlets for instance, they are now that matt purple, red liek colour, and I'm going to wash it with some water based bright red, should do the trick, and then when it's all dry, black mist it, and wash again if neccesary
Got Maul said:
whoa, wait a sec...what are you black misting ? Nothing on the fett armor should be black misted...maybe black speckled, but NOT misted...its all about the washes..

Dark washes are correct, but what about all those hi-res pics Braks took of the M.O.M. suit with difinative black spots across the green armor, which are exactly how it looks if they misted it with black spraypaint?
Mr Fett said:
Dark washes are correct, but what about all those hi-res pics Braks took of the M.O.M. suit with difinative black spots across the green armor, which are exactly how it looks if they misted it with black spraypaint?

BINGO. I was thinking the same thing. I misted parts of my armor with black spraypaint because of those same photos.
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