BKBT compared to the 'Reel Deal' ...sort of


Well-Known Hunter
With Fettpride's recent announcement I am sure you are all aware of this helmet & it's history. I manged to aqcuire one myself recently with a few other parts & thought it would be cool to show just how close you can come to fabricating something from photgraphic reference without ever touching the real thing. I am not saying that my helmet is dead on or anything, but some of the measurements & are right there. Overall, my helmet is larger.

The chest plate I acquired is also a dead ringer for the vacuform molds I made a few years ago with the exception of the "fullness".

I don't want this to turn into a debate or anything, just wanted to give you a direct comparison of some fan made parts versus studio recastings.

jango 3.jpg

jango 1.jpg

jango 2.jpg
Every since since you made that puppy, I've thought it was as close as it gets for fan-made ;)

You did do an outstanding job my friend :cheers



Oh, and nice play on words for your thread title there Vince ;) ("Reel" as in "Movie Reel" = "Screen Used")

Didn't think anyone would catch that, did ya :lol:
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Very cool, but what I am really interested in knowing... You make armor as well? Cause you never said. I am very pleased with my BKBT dented. I am working on a pattern for the leather "whatever its called" seal, and finding a visor.
I made a full vac formed set of armor for myself with the exception of FP gauntlets (how can you improve on perfection?). I used to sell vac formed knees & a few fiberglass cod pieces but only sold one extra set of vac formed chest armor. I had to stop cooking at home so everything I make I fiberglass at my shop now. I will be reviving a few of my parts from the grave over the next few months as time permits.
I'll get a few better pics up tonight, those were just teasers:lol:

The biggest difference is size. On the reel deal my nose touches the front of the visor where on my helmet I have allowed clearance. This is usually a problem for me though, I cannot even get a Crimson Guard helmet on my noggin & I have an EP III Clone Trooper that is impossible for me to even try on.
Sweet, thats something I think I like about the fan made vers the real thing... the real thing was made to fit the actor playing the character... if your not that size the 100% accurate peice wont work.
bigkidbiggertoys said:
I'll get a few better pics up tonight, those were just teasers:lol:

The biggest difference is size. On the reel deal my nose touches the front of the visor where on my helmet I have allowed clearance. This is usually a problem for me though, I cannot even get a Crimson Guard helmet on my noggin & I have an EP III Clone Trooper that is impossible for me to even try on.

Thats good to know thats its made like that, especially since its gonna go on mine soon enough. I imagine that it wont fog up as much either because of that. Also, with what evan4218 said, these days for movies, the costumes are always custom fit to the actors. Perfect example is when they made Spider-man, they put him on giant scanner, and made the exact measurements right off a computer. I wouldnt be surprised if they did anything similar with the Episode II suits. I imagine that would also save them money in that they do not buy things that dont fit to specification. So you can bet any recasts of the original molds won't fit you unless your built like Mr. Morrison.

evan4218 said:
Sweet, thats something I think I like about the fan made vers the real thing... the real thing was made to fit the actor playing the character... if your not that size the 100% accurate peice wont work.

EXACTLY. And I´m not going to change my BKBT for this :)
WOW! I have a huge nuggin. soo hhmmmm. I love my BKBT. But I will get one of these babies when they become available.:thumbsup:
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