Beware of propcollections on ebay (jet pack related)


Beware of propcollections on ebay (jetpack related)

If anyone is thinking of buying a jet pack from propcollections, it is my advice that you reconsider. It took me three weeks to finally get mine from him and when i did, i wish i had never opened the box. I wrote a review of it with pics incase anyone is interested. What this guy is selling is just plain junk! Just puttin in my 2 cents to keep you all informed. heres a link to the review.....
Son of a! I just bought one of those packs! It was $100 so I figured why not... looks like its gonna take a lot of work...

P.S. after examining the deformed rocket, piano keys, and thrusters I will be making mine into a Jango arena pack.
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I just wrote a small review of the GA pack in the RPF thread. Yours is recasted from his kit. Be aware before considering to buy his pack instead. There are big chances that you will end up buying almost an identical kit.
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Foxbatkllr wrote:

Son of a! I just bought one of those packs! It was $100 so I figured why not... looks like its gonna take a lot of work...

P.S. after examining the deformed rocket, piano keys, and thrusters I will be making mine into a Jango arena pack.

Dont feel bad, i paid $200! Talk about feeling like a sucker. I know i can fix it up to look nice but definately not worth $200, $100 or even $50. I just dont know how or why someone would associate themselves with such an infirior product. I guess its all about the $$$$$!!!!
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Its kinda a relief to me, not to spoof your bad luck in the slightest, but I was just a cussing the other day when I saw these on Ebay for $100. I guess I've put about $50 in my scratch built one so far, and I've been sanding/bondo-ing it for a month now. Guess I'm glad he didn't bring these out sooner on Ebay.

Sorry for your bad luck!

:::FT grabs more sand paper and goes back to work:::
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That really is bad news!!! If you bought it using Paypal try reporting him to them if it's not what was described in the auction. They will come down on him like a ton of bricks! Good Luck.
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Aww damn it I jsut bought one of these and today I see this thread. I paid for one that was trimmed so maybe it won't be as bad when it gets to me. I only paid 125 for it trimmed. He also said it would be shipped out within 48 hours. So perhaps it won't be supper crappy.
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WOW, I am glad I saw this thread.....
I was actually about to bid on one...
I read your thread on RPF and the pack that guy sent
you looks like crap. No amount of bondo andpaint
can fix that....
I guess my dad was right... You can't polish a turd.


Maybe you should consider posting a link to your review in the Jango section for those who don't really cruise the Boba parts too often.
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I read your thread on RPF and the pack that guy sent
you looks like crap. No amount of bondo andpaint
can fix that....
I guess my dad was right... You can't polish a turd.


Dont count me out just yet! Im gonna succeed at polishing this turd! that just sounds wrong.... lets just say im gonna give it a face lift :)
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Predatormv wrote:

Aww damn it I jsut bought one of these and today I see this thread. I paid for one that was trimmed so maybe it won't be as bad when it gets to me. I only paid 125 for it trimmed. He also said it would be shipped out within 48 hours. So perhaps it won't be supper crappy.

did you get your pack yet? how was it???
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Hi Guys,

I'm new to this forum. I found this place to be a wealth of information. I only wish I had found this place earlier. I bought a Jet Pack from Daron? Mike? Warren? This guy goes by a few names. I wish I had never dealt with him. Anyways... I was wondering if you guys bought from him and didn't get the jet pack as promised? I feel like I've just been ripped off. I bought my Jet Pack on May 7/04... and I still haven't gotten it yet.
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I hate to hear about these rip-offs.:angry I knew that $100 jet pack sounded fishy to me...I really hope whomever this guy is, he comes through for you folks who bought from him. If not, contact ebay. I once got ripped off while buying a LOTR sting sword on ebay. The seller has since filed bankruptcy, but since I paid with my credit card, the credit card company gave me a refund. And remember that there are a bunch of well established, trustworthy propmakers on this board. Stick with them!
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Looks like the negative feedback is starting to pile on this guy. I wonder how long it'll be before he becomes a "no longer registered" user.
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these dirtbags sell a lot of stuff. and its all garbage.
you can get your items or money back BUT you'll need to threaten the B-jeebers out of them.i almost got duped but was one of the lucky ones.BUT I do feel in the near future my CT armor may be for sale out of ohio.:(:(:(
they also go by the trade name of Studio74 out of Ohio.
They may be associated with the "infamous" Mike Tait, but that has yet to be substantiated.

If anyone needs further info I do have a few address'on these goons.

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redeye wrote:

Hi Guys,

I'm new to this forum. I found this place to be a wealth of information. I only wish I had found this place earlier. I bought a Jet Pack from Daron? Mike? Warren? This guy goes by a few names. I wish I had never dealt with him. Anyways... I was wondering if you guys bought from him and didn't get the jet pack as promised? I feel like I've just been ripped off. I bought my Jet Pack on May 7/04... and I still haven't gotten it yet.
I bought one on the 29 April - I reported him to ebay, his excuse is "The fibreglass company have gone on strike" He will make the jet pack as soon as he can and post it!!!

The auction never stated that hte pack was unbuilt...All this happened before I discovered TDH.
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Another case of someone selling something they don't have unforunately. That excuse of not having the materials (fiberglass) is just another long line of excuses I've seen them dish out.

Also, beware of any tracking or delivery confirmation numbers sent by them. Just because a number has been reserved and shows up on a delivery company's website doesn't mean the actual item has been sent out yet, all it means is that the number has been reserved. They've been sending out these tracking number as if the item has been shipped when in fact it hasn't.
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I am extremely thankful to these forums for this sort of warning. I am in the beginning stages of my bucket and haven't even begun to tackle the rest of the uniform. When I do, I am sure I will be able to make a calculated decision based off the feedback from TDHers that know who is and isn't reputable.
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